⇢︎ Chapter 16 : Study, Study, Study

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"Now let class begin!!!" Koro-sensei cheered as 3 times as many of his clones were scattered around the classroom

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"Now let class begin!!!" Koro-sensei cheered as 3 times as many of his clones were scattered around the classroom.

'You've got to be kidding me...' The class sweatdropped.

The classroom was buzzing with chatter as Koro-sensei taught and helped his students study. It was loud, it was dusty, and it caught everyone by surprise. Y/n was just lucky that he overheard Koro-Sensei's plans for the day.

Y/n sweatdropped as he watched the chaos in his class unravel through the window. He was lucky to have gotten an excuse to get out of the class so he wouldn't be in the room with that many Koro-Sensei's.

"So, not studying with the octopus today?" Irina questioned as she and Karasuma walked up to Y/n.

Y/n deadpanned, "Like I would be in the same room as 50 Sensei's. Honestly, it just freaks me out by watching him go all over the place like that, there's no way in hell I'll be in the same room as that," He stated.

"But either way, you still need to study, Y/n," Karasuma said, "We can study in the teacher's lounge. He set up everything already in there since he knew how you were."

Y/n slightly tightened his grip on his teddy, "Okay. But can we have some soft music when I study?"

Karasuma and Y/n began to walk away, "That is if we can get any signal out here," Karasuma stated.

Irina blinked a bit in confusion as she noticed that she was being left behind by the two males. She watched for a second as Y/n's and Karasuma's figures slowly disappear into the hallway, as she had dots for eyes.

"Wait a minute!! Don't forget about me!! I can help study too!!" Irina screeched as she ran up to Y/n and Karasuma, catching up to them.

"Then don't just stand there like an idiot," Karasuma said.

"And here I thought you knew common sense," Y/n teased.



"That's enough out of you two, this is supposed to be a study hall, not a facts hall."




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