Part 12

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🅴🆅🅴🆁🆈🅾🅽🅴  had their own thing to show off, from monkey clinging bars, memorizing deceives, snares station to test skills and traps, fast on combat and the long-range one. Estella can feel a headache with all the tumultuous rackets from groans to grunts and whacks from armaments due to her sensitive ears.

Her eyes found Rue while looking from a distance place, just chilling on the net above the training camp with a knife dangling between her fingers, investigating around the room for the owner of the said defense tool only to find Cato confused.

Smirking at this, determined to spice the bond between the Career, she swiftly follows behind Marvel, other tributes are too occupied to notice her sneaking. When Marvel turns around feeling like he is watched, she turns with him, taking the chance to steal a dagger from his pocket before stealthily disappearing among the tributes.

With how secretive Estella can be and her surpassing skill in climbing trees, she effortlessly within seconds reaches beside Rus, frightening the young girl who was about to scream at her sudden appearance. But Estella quickly closed her mouth with her palm. Showing the dagger hovering on her pointer finger to which Rue rose a questioning look.

"Hey! Where's my knife, huh?"/ "I didn't touch it!"

Both turn their attention underneath them at the far right, Cato and Marvel are quarreling with each other, pushing each other's chest as a trainer was going in between them. "Even Career always fight over something so shallow," Estella whispered to which Rue let out a titter, corresponding with the older girl, both smiling at each other.

"Where the hell is my dagger!" / "How would I fucking know!"

Estella watches the scene in amusement, especially when the peacemakers come in. In the corner of her eye, she spots Katniss who notices them first before a voice calls after them. "You girls going to come down?"

Rue and Estella gaze right beneath them recognizing their partner, Aries and Thresh shaking their head at their childish play although nevertheless beaming at them. "Are you going to catch me?" Aries didn't think twice, having his arms out already, ready for Estella to fall.

She took the knife from Rue, whispering it's better she gets caught with them and not her before deliberately falling from the net and into Aries's arms.

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Estella took a while to notice that the training center was enclosed by a field to thwart any suicide attempt. Well, at one point they must be a case of tribute dying in their harm than orders. She, like the day before, showed no interest in training and instead stayed in the more reserved station like the traps and survival tips only.

Though she did keep an eye on Aries similar to now, Cato and Aries are in the sword fighting station, both surround themselves with 5 dummies. The look Cato gives Aries is a clear challenge, the winner to destroy the dummies' first win, Estella swivels her eyes as that play is more foolish than what she did yesterday.

Focusing back on her trap-making but glancing at the challenge, Aries easily sliced off two dummies' heads with a swing, another cutting its arm off then the other kicking it roughly right on the chest making it fling 2 feet far and almost hitting another tribute. Lastly stabbing it right through its stomach the weapon stuck out from behind.

Cato finished in merely a second behind Aries, throwing his sword in frustration as Aries sneered, taunting the man more. Estella nonchalantly stood up leaving behind her work to Aries as the Career glared at them, "I bet that made your day, huh?"

"You know me too well, love."

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Estella didn't even try walking past the station that had combat training or weaponry, she knew she'd be an easy target like a sack of meat but still declined to dispense her abilities.

Aries didn't attempt to encourage the girl, simply being by her side when he wasn't training. While at that, he would learn a thing or two about survival works from her. At first, Peeta joins her in obtaining the obvious target but not after Peeta bestows the strength that Estella knew Katniss had told him to.

Currently, Estella is resting her back on the low mental table filled with paints while browsing through her miniature journal as Peete works on his camouflage, their bond grows surprisingly great as they share their knowledge. It's like they form a hushed alliance.

"It's a good idea to build your shelter near what?" Estella tests the boy as he multitasks between his painting and her short quiz, "Um... A cliff? A better view on everything." She made a buzzing noise, signaling he was wrong executing a groan from him as she chuckled. "The answer is near a water source, trust me. If you choose a cliff, you're not only open to seeing everything, but so are the others." Peeta took a mental note of that.

"Stellie! Look what I found." Estella looks up from her book. There would be only one person to give her a nickname, and there Aries is rushing to her like a child who found something interesting.

Giving Peeta a nod as a greeting, then confining Estella between his body and the table, handing Estella a whip that's been rolled before placing his hand on each side of her on the table. "Hey, Peeta," Peeta answers with a hum before operating back to his work, he and Aries weren't in some friendship bond like with Estella but they could be called associates.

Lately, since the argument with their mentor, Aries, and Estella took Iphigenia's words seriously. They were glued to the hips. They spent time next to each other and even started sharing bedrooms as the male purposely avoided being anywhere with Dennis.

"... Are you perhaps," Estella scans the weapon in her hand carefully, her journal put aside, glancing at Aries's anticipating eyes that are waiting for a reaction that she can't get. "... into this kind of thing?" Aries and Peeta choked on their breath before bursting into laughter, Aries quickly shaking his head though a grin did grow. "I'm not but if you are, I don't mind spicing things up in the bedroom."

Estella smacks the chest of the male that's in her personal space while Peeta leaves to give them privacy feeling like he's intruding on a lover's conversation. "There isn't much long-range weapon but the coach said this will be. It suits you."


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