Part 14

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🅽🅴🆇🆃 Cato: "Cato, you're from District Two, which has produced the last two winners of The Games. Does that bring any burden with it for you?" Cato with a sneer of calmness, "It is a great responsibility, a lot to live up to. But it's also a privilege, to follow in the footsteps of such great champions. I just have to match their intensity." Warm applause as Aries growls, his hatred for Cato seems to grow by the second the man opens his mouth or dares to look their way.

Foxface girl: "So your name's Marissa but everyone calls you Foxface. Because you're a redhead?" / "No, Sir. Because I'm tricky." With a sly grin looking at the crowd before the speaker, she holds up his wristwatch. "My watch!" He looks at his bare wrist in astonishment. The audience laughs appreciatively.

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Many interviews were held before Aries and Estella, but both didn't pay attention to them as they were glued to their hip, thinking about what they should say to 'entertain' the people. Aries loathes it. Flickerman gazes his eyes on the pair, as it's now their turn to be announced, "And now, from District Five, the girl who earns many people's hearts at first glance, Estella Perez!"

Aries gives the girl a tender murmur of good luck, as she crosses to Flickerman amidst the ovation and cheers for her. Going up to softly kiss the man's cheek, Flickerman reacts with a gasp as if she took his heart away, the crowds grew jealous as whines now filled. "Aren't I just lucky tonight!!"

Carefully sitting on the destinated chair, Estella crosses her legs letting everyone drool at her posture and aura. "Now, Estella. When you came out in the opening ceremonies, my heart stopped. And I bet everyone does! Tell me, you must always be praised by others for your beauty!" She blanked out a little, she didn't have a great bond with anyone from her district, and she was treated badly.

Aries would be the first to open his arm to her and holds almost the same age.

Putting up an act, Estella put on her best innocent yet tempting look as she copies Aries's famous smirk, "I had a few men drooling over me. Though I venture to say, women can't even take their eyes off me." The audience cheered, loving her confidence and even agreeing with the statement. She looks to Poppy within the crowds, who makes the tiniest circular motion with her finger, twirling for me.

Estella hesitates but, "You wouldn't mind, helping me whirl for the crowd, would you?"

"Would I!? I would love to!" Flickerman stood man, letting out a hand to aid her which she took, and with a single motion, the man surged Estella, addressing the masses to shout and squeal when some sparkle rode off the dress with a radiant of golds. "Oh, do that again!

She does so. More love from the audience, as Flickerman, claps excitedly like a child. "I would give you, and that dress, a hundred!"

Everything went back into a comfortable cool, seated back to focus on the interview. Suffering the cheers to cool down, Flickerman spoke afterward, "Tell me, Estella. What is your plan for this year's game?" She thought for a while, she still wanted to proceed with keeping her strength a secret. Playing the innocent playful side of her, "I'm very hard to catch. And if they can't catch me, they can't kill me. So, don't rule me out."

Her eyes grew in doe, bewitching everyone in a soft act. "I wouldn't in a million years, darling!" Flickerman puts his arm around her and kisses the top of her head. A flood of 'aws' rises from the crowd.

"Let's go back to when a girl's name was about to be called out, do you perhaps know her?" Flickerman is talking about Susan, and Estella's eyes are automatically caught with the live camera, thinking about how Susan and Mr. William are hearing her every word. Should she keep a secret about her relationship with them or not?

"Sure, she's the closest I had in the district. You could say we're sisters just not sharing the same blood." With the crowds' murmurs and subdued gasp, Estella confirms the rumor that she did volunteer for a person, not within her family line. She can tell that Flickerman is begging to ask about her family but the time for her was over and there was clear disappointment in the crowds and the man. "Sorry, we're out of time. Best of luck, Estella Perez, everybody! Tribute from District Five!"

Big applause was given, and Estella gave the crowd a graceful curtsey letting them awe sustained by her manners before joining with the rest of the tributes. "Let's welcome, Aries White!!" When Estella and Aries passed each other, they didn't glance nor acknowledge the presence, but Flickerman noticed how their hands brushed against each other longer than needed.

They both shook hands, Aries gives the crowd a standard smile, the most trustworthy one he could put in front of people he hates. "Aries, Aries. You and Estella caught many eyes when you first step into the capital but what stood you out more is the video of your training, the confident aura you pull out when your name was called. But, let's not forget you scored an ELEVEN on the trial! How does it feel?"

The screen shows every video of the scene being said by Flickerman, the crowds had their mouth open like fish on each one. Aries smirked, not because of pride at the display but more to remembering Career's furious face made his mood better. "It makes me eager to enter the arena!"

"That's the attitude we all love!!"

"That's the attitude we all love!!"

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