Meeting Stacey.

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Maya P.O.V


I was sitting in an ice-cream shop eating a strawberry ice-cream with colorful sprinkles as I listened to the non-stop talk of the fake Rachel in front of me.

I so wished that the real Rachel was here , so would have told the faker to shut up , but she was not and I couldn't bring my heart to hurt her feelings .

I sighed as I looked at the time on my watch.


It has ben 7 hours since she had started her talk on GOD KNOWS WHAT and since then she hadn't stopped talking.

Oh my sanity......

' Maya , need to use bathroom,' she finally excused herself as she left.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding .

' Hey, Maya right?' a girl appeared out of nowhere in front of me making me jump in my chair surprised at her sudden appearance .

She had white hair which was short and reached her shoulders , twinkling golden eyes and bat wings behind her ears.

A mercenare then.

I didn't wanna fight her as she gave an aura of friendliness .

' U-UH  y-yeah Maya that's me,' I stuttered in surprise,' How do you know me?'

She smiled in a very familiar way. Like Rachel.

' Hi Maya. I'm Stacey,' she said holding her hand for a handshake .

I accepted it. 

She dragged a chair over and then I saw that she was eating a vanilla ice-cream ice-cream with chocolate cones draped on her ice-cream.

 ' I'm  happy to see that you are back to your old-self ,' she said as she licked her ice-cream and closed her eyes in delight and pleasure.

' Uhh...thanks I guess,' I said.

' I'm wondering when you will get rid of that faker ? I'm tired of Alex's babbling about how brilliant and smart she is,' she said.

' Who's Alex ?' I asked in confusion.

' The faker , dummy,' she laughed.

' Oh .'

' Mhm, I forgot how tasty the ice-creams taste here,' she mumbled through her ice-cream.

' You mean you lived here before?' I asked surprised.

She glanced at me side-eyed,' Yeah , when I was a human before shifting away.'

' Human?' I asked surprised.

This conversation was going more and more interesting.

' Yup. Every mercenare used to be a human before they became a mercenare, and each mercenare are a part of a Constellation Society .Even the members of the  Glitter- Forces are in their blood or one of their ancestors of previous reincarnaion were a part of the Constellation Society. Not every Glitter members are , some of them maybe elves, trolls, shape-shifters and other magical beings,' she explained.

I processed it , wait............

' There is another Glitter Force?' I asked in shock.

' Yeah , And - Oh Alex's coming , see you round, Bye!' she stood waving bye and disappered through the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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