Meeting The New Mercenare

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Ira P. O. V

' Rachel', my gasp echoed off the walls.

' Oh , hey Ira,' said Rachel nervously. '

I stared at her too shocked to speak . She disappeared and then she reappeared during the new mercenare show up, are they somehow connected?

' Well I'm here for Stacey, the almost new mercenare,' she said.

' What's the news,' I said.
' Stacey Zodiac, last royal of the Ophiuchus civilization, that's who she is,' said Rachel.

She confirmed Marmo's suspicions. But then she went on.
'Alexandra, the fake me is of the Aries Civilization.'

'Wait for how long did you knew it,' I asked.

'Since Raymond's and Kelsey's volleyball match,' she replied smugly.

' So you know how she looks when she is not a mercenare,' I asked carefully.

' I do, but I won't tell you, see ya later Ira,' and saying that she then like a flash she shot up in the air and said, ' Now, Stacey!'.

She disappeared.

She was associated with Stacey Zodiac.

I walked alongside Kelsey, thinking about the new mercenare.

' Mr. Raymond, where on sun and diamond are you going,' said Kelsey.

' What, I'm going to, AAAAH,' my sentence was interrupted by me fall in a pit.

' I told you,' muttered Kelsey helping me up and also shaking her head.

'You didn't warned me,' I snapped.

She sighed.

' Mr. Raymond I tried to warn you by saying "Where on sun and diamond are you going" understand. What were you thinking,' said Kelsey forgetting our linked hands. I thought about what she had spoken, which included sun and diamonds.

I stare at joined hands and coughed.

' Oh, sorry,' laughed Kelsey nervously yanking away her hand.

' Who do you think is the new mercenare,' I asked.

' Huh....... Oh.... Umm... I,.... Um..... Well.... Maybe a good person.....'
she said stammering.

I raised my eyebrows amused about her statement. She clearly knew that I wasn't talking about that.

' Anyways, I hope you know your way around town, because I'm gonna see Ken,' she said turning and walking away from me.

I rolled my eyes and turned to the cross path when I saw someone flying. My eyes gew wide, it was a girl, who looked like a mercenare.

I flew over to the girl in my mercenare form.

The girl noticed me and narrowed her eyes. then she noted me and relaxed .

' Who are you,' i asked once I got close to her .

' What no , hello , no wonder the mercenare's are so dull,' said the almost - mercenare girl .

I stared at her then snarled .

' Whoa there, don't go all flared up at me, name's Stacey but you can call me Crystal  ,' said the girl examining the city .

' Who are you exactly,' I said .

' I am the last member of the 13'th Zodiac civilization, though Rachel already told you ,' said Crystal .

' How do you know her ,' I asked her .

' We sorta got a grudge against Alex , so we are working together ,' replied Crystal .

' Anyways, why are you here at the time of volleyball match of Kelsey and Raymond,' I  asked curiously .

' I hate unfair games , and GLITTER HEARTLESS and GLITTER FAKE .' she said shouting like Regina. 

Oh , gods , there is another screaming Regina ,  I thought putting hands on my ears.

' Oh , sorry, I maybe a short-tempered at some time . Wait who is she-' she said pointing behind me .

I turned to see a very furious Marmo , flying to us ,' IRA ,YOU ARE TALKING TO THE NEW MECENARE AND YO-' 

Just as she was about to reach me a protective shield was made around me avoiding Marmo to strangle me .

' Sorry , Mercenare Marmo , but I won't let anyone here dying here ,' said Crystal talking to the furious mercenare aand also giving her best cute eyes.

Marmo took one look at her and her eyes softened , ' AAAwwwww, what a cute little Kitty eyes , I'm gonna make a kitten out of you ,'   

I was surprised . no one had ever made Marmo cool down that easily .

' Maybe , later, I promised my friends that I'll meet them in 20 min ,' said Crystal leaving after giving us a salute.

' Well , isn't she cute ,' said Marmo .

I rolled my eyes , as I teleported to the hotel room where I was staying in .



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