The Worst Flight Day Ever

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Some weeks had passed since I willingly had decided to participate in the volley ball competition against my childhood town and guess what, today was the day me , Ray and my best friends were boarding a flight there .

I am worried and nervous sick all day, Who will take care of Rory, What will I do if he suddenly wakes up from his coma, What if I don't win , What if I lose : (

All that helps me keep winning is when Rory wakes up he will be proud that I still went on with my life , and not just sit down and start snivelling like a snooty girl.

' Hey , Kelsey are u okay ,' asked Lily concerned as I comforted Rory in my purse like a sister does when her little brother is asleep, will maybe only me as I don't know about other sister's and brother's.

'Yeah,' I replied .

' Maybe she is having second thoughts of coming to play, you can still back out,' sniggered Ray.

' Excuse me , my friend here never back's up and I think it's you who want's to back up, it's you whose having second thoughts,' said April .

I looked at her gratefully and she gave me a sign that said No worries. I know you're tired girl.

'Guys ,can u all excuse me , I need to use the restroom for a moment , You all go on and board the flight , I will be catching up with you all later,' I said.

'No problem,' said April.

' But what if u miss the flight because you happen to be a bit late,' fussed Chloe.

' Well then , I will try to be fast,' I said.

When reached a stall in the bathroom , I closed and instantly pulled out my phone and microphone and banged out the song Feel Invincible- Skillet .

After it finished I headed out of the stall and washed my face , I felt less stressed out , and headed out of the restroom to the boarding counter.

The line was no longer there but the woman who was checking everyone's ticket was still there.

I walked up to her and said ,'Excuse me , I 'd like to board the fight,' showing my ticket to her.

The lady stared at me like I had gotten late for the flight.

She then said ,' I am sorry miss but I am sorry to say that the flight that you were thinking of boarding has taken of right now,' and pointed towards the flight.

I stared at the plane until I could see it no more. Chloe was right , as she always was .

'Miss , if you'd like you could spend the night here,' said the lady .

I nodded my head and took the paper she had given me to guide my way to my room.


Then I entered my temperory Hotel room and collapsed on the bed taking out Rory and sitting back up . Then I couldn't control the tears as they rolled down my cheeks and fell on Rory. I was  a total crud . 

' Hey why are you crying ,' said a voice that startled me the most and it also said ' And by the way new look Rachel,' 

IT WAS..............................

 Sorry for the cliffhanger guys but it  will continue on from the cliffhanger. BYE. 

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