The Game

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Kelsey returned before midnight . I didn't know what's bothering her , but she is of in the world of her own . I am wondering did we say something wrong me and the mercenaries . She only resurfaces when we go off to practice Volleyball .

Anyways , todays the day and after this day is a 3 whole months of summer vacation .

 I can't wait .... wait what was I supposed to do ... oh ... back to the mercenaries , but thankfully only for 3 months.

' Hey , Ray seen Kelsey ,' said Mackenzie and April catching up with me. 

' Well no ,' I replied .' But I can help you,'

' Sooo... does she seem a little tooo offish ,' said Mackenzie.

' Yeah , I noticed.. since the incounter with the mercenaries ,' I replied .

' Wait you know, were you spying on us,' yelled April.

I just let that slip .. why did I , I thought.

' Hehe, well you see, I was about to join you all but then you started about Glitter Force and April , and the others are a squad like you all  except Kelsey ,' I partly lied.

I'd admit I was so surprised that I could barely be in the shadows , there was another Glitter Force brats and the others also know about it since they were also there with me . And something that got me so surprised was that the Kelsey spoke, wait it went , 

' Oh really, the last time we saw you , it was like 5 years ago........ ' and what-e- ever she said , I  don't have a very good memory since I lost my memories. Maybe if she knows the former glitter girls , she may also know Rachel's location.

' There she is ,' I said pointing towards her she was there in the ground where today' s game was to be held . 

' Oh , hey ,' she said running over to us .

Soon afterwards when the glitter heart brat and the fake Rachel took the their places and the game began .

Me and Kelsey put up a fair game with them .

' Keep it up, Ray, make the shot harder for them ,' said Kelsey backing me up.  

I had to admit playing with her reminded me the time we first played against each other , it was a record competition because our game was the longest played in .... like for years. 

' Watch out ,' I warned Kelsey.

'Got it ,' she said back.

From the corner of m eye I saw Maya and Fake Rachel scowling and sweating , a bit more push and we will win . I looked at Kelsey and knew she was thinking the same thing .

Then I gave a hard shot and ...... they managed to catch it . 

' HIIIIIIIIYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAA,' shrieked Maya throwing the ball at Kelsey. Kelsey caught it easily. It's true The more angry one get's the more reckless they get .

Then I think the brat's had enough so they without further warning transformed into wait for it ....... into Glitter Heart and fake Diamond brats .

' Are they seriously doing that ,' said Kelsey standing beside me .

' I think so ,' I replied.

' Well won't they get in trouble for becoming girls in fancy dresses ,' joked Kelsey.

' I don't think so , they are the pretend heroines of this town , they won't be getting into trouble for cheating but we will if we do,' I said not buying her joke.

' Thank you ,Mister Ray , I really appreciate the information you shared,' she said sarcastically.

Then the unfair game began , it became more and more harder for us to keep up and shoot at the ball at them then as the game couldn't get any worse they were using their powers to fire the ball at , I mean what the heck , even us mercenares play by the the rules and don't cross the line between normal fight and a bad fight .

The ones who really cross the line are the reckless ones like Rira and Gura .

Suddenly fake Glitter Diamond threw a shot , but I couldn't get out of the path soon enough , so you know I was waiting to be hit by the ball , and by that I mean hard . But I got shoved away by .. wait Kelsey , shouldn't she be watching out for herself . 

She must have sawn the look on my face that she smirked and said ,' Friends got each other's back , in case you forgot dummy.'

Then she hit the ball and it went flying straight at the fake Glitter's face.


She yelled ,' How dare you.'

'Oops, sorry, my bad , did I messed your sooo beautiful face ,' she said making her cheering friends laugh. 

'Now you are done for,' said Glitter Heart Brat .

Then she threw the ball in an inhuman speed at us. Kelsey managed to drag us off the ground before saying , 'The game isn't over yet , cheaters.' 

Then she took me to her friends , she started rapping out orders ,' Lily and Clara , I need you see to Ray and Regina , Natalie, Dina, Emily, April, Mackenzie , Davi and  Lance[as human and Clara's brother] go to the hotel .While Ken and I have some job to do,' saying that she went away and I was taken by her friends to the hotel.

This is the longest chapter in this story.

I will try making other' s this length too.


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