The Stalker

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'Bye see you tomorrow ,' said my friends since I could not join them as I had to take care of Rory, my most dearest pixie friend who was still in coma .

My friends were hanging out at Emily 's house , but I was not that sad to be left out of this particular type of meeting  , because this usually involved telling about our life stories , which I had preferred to keep a secret . 

Suddenly , I saw a shadow glide past me , I paid it no heed until I turned around a corner to see the same shadow leaning against the light pole. Again I turned to a different path which didn't lead to my house , to check if the person was still following me ,I get suspicious really quick because someone like this mostly reminded me of my mystery story I used to read when I used to be Rachel.

The same shadow was there again [how did he got here so fast I didn't even see him coming] walking casually as if he were not stalking me , that 's when I started to run , I turned and ran as fast as I could hoping he would leave stalking me but of course he didn't he was right along the corner .

Suddenly I got an idea I turned and eventually backed up to the shadows hoping he wouldn't see me ............. I breathed out realizing I had been holding my breath for too long and I turned my focus on the mystery shadow , he was looking around as if trying to figure out where I went and shrugged it's shoulder's and walked away .

[ Time skip ]

As I drew closer to my house near the beach I breathed in the nature's fresh air in , it was so relaxing.

 I looked at my house which was more like a beachside cabin , yes a beachside cabin cause it was the the relaxing house for me . I had practically asked Mackenzie for this . We all decided to be separate because of Maya and Alex. 

 I entered my house to hear Rory's peaceful snoring. 

I smiled sadly because how I missed to see him smile , annoyed, embarrased  and angry . He acts like a little brother to me as long as I live even in his stupid coma state.

I sat down and rubbed his ears , which was his most fav  thing which he liked me to calm him down. 

After I made some food ate it and changed to my pj's , I sat down at the table and looked at my trophies I had earned from winning many volley ball games .

After some time of having staring at my trophies I trudged to my bed and put my microphones on and blasted Diamond Heart - Alan Walker music . The song mostly  over small things .

Slowly I felt my eyelids close . I put my microphone beside my bed and went of to dreamland.

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