Shadow Realm

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I looked around wondering where I was until I saw a  castle with a weird flag . I started walking there .

' SO YOU HAVE COME AT LAST ' Said the voice only that I know it was a girl maybe around her 15 but who knows .

' Reach my castle ,she said .

' why would I listen to you,' I retorted .

' You have to ,' 

' I don't ,'

'Well , do you even know where you are afterall ,' 

' Umm , Nope,'

' Well, you should,'

 ' I am stuck here in an unknown land , and you are a voice in my head , I am delirious ,'

' No you're not , You are in .... ' She hesitated

' I am in where ,' 

' In shadow realm,'

I gasped in shock.

' In ... In shadow realm from where Nogo used to rule,'

' Yep , meet me after your game , till then stay safe and away from Alex ,'

Then her voice stopped .

Then I did the next best thing I went back home.

Sorry for the short chapter.

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