FoUrTeEn: WaNdErInG

36 0 0



"Let me get this straight." Zen whispered, "You want Eighteen, Fourteen, and myself to escape from here?" 

I nod and his jaw drops to the ground, his eyes bugging out of his head. Brink laughed and crossed his arms over his chest. Blood still coated everywhere and I ignored his gaze. 

I was the one that suggested bringing Brink and Killer. 

He could just simply say no.

"Fine. I'll go with you." 

My eyes widen and stare at his reply. He accepted that quickly? 

"Yes! Okay! Let's get ready!" I exclaim and Brink scowls, pointing to the room where Killer was getting cleaned up. 

"It's gonna take him another hour to finish up" Brink hissed and I narrowed my eyes.

"That's fine because unlike you guys, I'm Human and need food and water. I'm gonna look around." I say then point to Brink, "You're coming with me."

Zen's jaw drops and Brink grins big. He walked to me and nodded, reaching out to touch me but I swing my leg around. I hear nothing but an impact on my own leg. His face don't move an inch and  I grin at him. 

"Good job. I'm impressed that you blocked it this fast." I say and lower my leg, seeing his face completely uninjured.

"You have quite some strength there girly. I'm surprised that your leg packed that much of a kick." he said and I smile.

"Thanks but let's go before someone else grabs food." I say then Zen grabs my hand, pulling me back a few steps. Concern flashes in his eyes and I pat his hair.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine. Even though you guys are still 'Vampires. I can still hurt you where every man has pain." I say and both of them pale. I laugh and Zen releases my hand, letting me go off. 

"So. You're apparently dead weight, Brink." I say to start up a conversation and he scowls as a response. I sighed and put my hands behind my hand, turning a right.

Truth is that I have no friggin' clue where I'm going.

"That's what everyone says." he says as a reply then stops, sniffing the air, "We went the wrong way."

I stop and glare at him, hissing, "What do you mean, we went the wrong way?" He paled and put his hands up in defence. I poke him in the chest then something falls out from his jacket. My jaw drops at the sight of a brick.

"What the hell?! Where did that come from?!" I exclaim and he chuckles.

"You were told I was dead weight. Well, I am but on my body, I'm weightless because of my power of controlling weight.I have to have tons of weight on my person to not float. My jacket can hold up to fifty pounds of an items." he explains and opens his jacket, more and more random items falling to the ground next to him.

"My name is after a brick since it weighs five pounds similar to my weight but I weigh -2.5 pounds." he says.

"Negative pounds? What the hell does that mean?" I ask him and he laughs, forcing his head back to the ceiling.

"It means I WEIGH NOTHING!!!!!" he cried and launched at me, grabbing my hands and slammed us both into the ground. He grinned madly and the needle teeth came out, his eyes turning blood red. I scowl and try to move but his grip is like a hundred pounds.

"What the hell?" I hiss at him and he bends down to my neck, his hot breath on skin making the hairs on the back of my neck raise.

"Damn it, Brink," I hiss at him then kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

His eyes widen and fell to the ground, twitching and returning to normal. He clutched it and I laughed down at him, slamming my foot on his head and squishing it to the floor. I grin down at him and lean down, staring at his glaring eyes. 

Something inside me snapped. 

"This is payback for what you were about to do to me." I hiss at him and push my foot harder onto his head, creasing his skin. 

"Death po-!" he begins until I punch him in the face from stopping him from saying that. 

"Tsk-tsk, Brink! You're not gonna say those words against me are you? 'Cause if you do, you'll end up like those Zombies that I slaughtered." I whisper and his eyes widen, staring at me in fear.



He's scared of me!

"How great!" I exclaim and pull out my metal pole, showing it to him and he scowls at the sight of blood stained on it. His eyes turned red and his teeth started lengthening. I raise my pole up at him-with no regret-and scream, slamming it down on his back. His eyes widen and gasps out blood. I could hear bones creak in protest and I push harder on the pole, trying to break through skin. 


I turn to the voice to see Killer and I smile at him, leaning down on the pole, further. 

"Well, hello, Killer. It seems like you're all healthily and fine." I say and he scowls, walking over to me. 

"What are you doing to Number Eighteen, girl?!" he hissed down at me and I frowned, staring at his angry eyes. 

"What? You've never wanted to kill him before? That's surprising, Killer." I say and his eyes widen.

"You're mad." he said and I blinked, laughing at him and look back to Brink. I smile at him and slam my fist into the pole. He screams out in pain and now blood started slowly spilling from his fresh wound. 

"See? is this nice? You can drain him if you want. I really don't care." I say and his eye color flashes to red, his teeth slowly turning to needles. 

"Swear to god, kids these days were idiots." 

Suddenly out of nowhere, Danielle pushes some type of liquid into Killer's arms and he falls to the ground. I stare at her and she sighs, her cigarette almost falling out of her mouth. 

"Now, you're going to sleep too, deary." she said and out of nowhere, a needle stuck into my arm to fill me with something to knock me out. I sway and release my pole, making it fall to the ground and my eyes slowly start to close. Then darkness embraces me and I fall to sleep. 

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