TeN: wRaTh

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Who would have thought that they actually existed in some sort of way? I tried to keep cool but I wanted to scream and yell at him, that he is monster. He looked depressed and his whole body began to quack.

"Someone get the damn Human out of there!" someone from outside yelled and my eyes widen. What? What do they mean? Zen starts chuckling and the needle started growing. The ropes around him started pulling at them.

Oh crap! 

He broke them and laughed, reaching out to grab me. Everything seemed to slow down and something flashed between us, grabbing Zen by the head and throwing him into the wall. 

"Smartass! you think I would let you drink her?!" 

That voice-!

No way!

Why he come to save me?! 

"Killer!" I screamed and he turned to me, flashing me a grin, "Why the hell would you save me?!"

"Because you are my prey and I won't let anyone steal it from me. I will be the one to drink from you, girl whose hellbent on killing the Zombies." he said and chuckled, turning back to Zen. He brought two steak knives and Zen came screaming out from the wall, his fists ready to attack him. He brought his knives up and sliced at his arms, blood came spurting out and I shrieked. Killer laughed and licking his blades, he tackled Zen and I gulped. 

"THRISTY!" Zen cried and Killer laughed, grabbing him by his hair. He pulled him up to his face and open his mouth, needle teeth coming from it.

Oh God, he's gonna bite him and drink his blood.

"NO!!!!!!" I scream and he stops inches away from his mouth. He twitches and tries to go farther but something is stopping him. I scowl and trying to undo myself but the ropes wee too tight. 

"Undo me, you bastard!" I hiss at Killer and he slowly turns to me, a scowl across his face. He cuts the ropes and I hold out my hand to have a steak knife. He scowls even more and gives the steak knife. 

"How the hell are you doing this?" he hissed at me and I shrugged, taking a stance against both of them. 

"Don't know, don't care. Now this time, I'll take him on." I say and he laughs, moving his hand in front of me. 

"You sure as hell aren't fighting him. He's one of many rivals and if I defeat him, I'll move up my Number to Five and I'll be able to defeat Rurouni." he says and I kick him where the sun doesn't shine. I clutched it and fell to the ground, twitching. 

"Sorry but he's gonna be defeated by me." I say and Zen screams again, tackling me to the ground. I scowl and he pants, saliva dripping down onto my check. I wince at the burn sensation and he closes his eyes, his teeth slowly shrinking. 

"Run...away...." he manages to say and I smile at him.

"Idiot, you're not gonna bite me." I say and he opens his eyes, glowing red. I drop the steak knife and wrap my arms around his neck. 

Then I kicked where the sun doesn't shine.

He fell onto the floor next to me and I slammed my foot onto his chest, pushing his face down into the ground. He scowled and pain reflected across his face. He smiled weakly and the needle teeth started dulling down, sweat going across his brow.

"You show...no mercy...huh?" he said and I chuckled softly.

"Yep. That's what happens to any boy that pisses me off. They end up on the floor with no mercy." I say and remove my foot from his back. Killer then magically appears in front of me and slashes at Zen's back. I screamed and tackled his back, bringing him to the floor. 

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?!" I screamed at him and he scowled, rolling over and slamming me into the floor. He bent down to my face and screamed, "That's not Zen, dumbass! That's an illusion of him! Someone is using there power to make it look like Zen! They switched them out when I bolted in!" My eyes widen and the fake Zen chuckled, moving slowly up.

"Correct. I'm surpasied you realized it was me, Number Fourteen." the fake Zen said and I scowled. How the hell could I not realize it wasn't Zen? He sounds exactly like him! The fake Zen ran his fingers through his hair and snapped his fingers, his hair color changing to blood red and his dull gray eyes were full of boredom. He wore all black and his hood was up, he had a lollipop-rare to find these days- in his mouth. 

"Yo, Number Fourteen and Human." he said and bowed down in respect like the Japanese did  before World War Three. Killer scowled and pushed himself up, standing in front of me.

"Asshole, you should be in the Experiment room!" Killer hissed and the boy shrugged, taking his lollipop out and stared at me. His gaze felt evil. Like he didn't want me to be here at all. He sighed and closed his eyes, smiling wide. 

"No, you see Number Fourteen, you should be the one in the Experiment room." the guy said and Killer's eye widen then narrowed. He opened his hands again and a Katar, an Indian dagger appearing his hand. He held the hand grip tight and the guy somehow appeared next to me, putting a hand over my mouth.

"Now, now, Human girl. You don't seem to understand the situation you're in by now." he whispered in my ears. Killer muttered something under his breath then  charged at us. "Astrokinetic Combat." the guy said and we jumped up to the ceiling and over Killer. He scowled and swore under his breath. 

"Screw the Doctors. I'll use my power." Killer said and removed his eye patch. The guy's eyes opened and widen, backing away from Killer. 

"S**t." he said and Killer grinned, opening his hands. 

"Freeze, Number Nine." Killer said and his left eye opened, glowing blue. I knew to bend down and his eye shot out the blue beam, hitting the guy. As soon as it hit him, he released me and I crawled over to Killer-not the smartest idea but he was my one choice of survival. Killer's eyes stopped glowing and he put his hand over his eye, scowling. 

"Damn it, where did I throw my eyepatch?" he hissed out and I grabbed his eyepatch, backing away from him. 

"Give to me girl." he said and I narrowed my eyes. 

"Not unless you tell how you're able to do that." I answer and he scowls, moving his hand down but his eye was closed. 

"Screw you. I'll kill you to get the god damn eyepatch." he hissed and slowly opened his eye. 

"You may want to rethink that." I say and he raises an eyebrow.

"Why?" he asks.

"'Cause Zen will kill you with no remorse." I answer and he scowls.

"Fine. i'll tell you about our abilities." he says and sits down, patting the ground for me. I hand him his eye patch and he clips it back on. He rubs his face and sighs. I sit down and cross my legs. He nods and begins, "It all began when we all became a 'Vampire'." 

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