Noah Beck

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Dixie POV:
I woke up to my alarm going off,
It's Monday which means I get a whole week of torture. I hate school. It stresses me out and I get bullied a lot. Anyway, time to get ready
I took a shower, Brushed my hair, Teeth and picked out an outfit then I drove me and my sister Charli to school.
I went to my locker,
"Hey looser" I hear, I turn around and see
Nessa smirking at me "What do you want?"
"Oh nothing. Just wanted to say hi to bone
Girl" she laughs and walks away. That's one of my nicknames "Bone girl" I have always been judged for my weight. I try me best to not let it get to me. Sometimes it's all too much and I end up having a mental breakdown. But usually I'm ok. I'm the kind of person to keep things to themselves.
(A couple hours later it's lunch)
"Hey Dix!" Avani says as she sits next to me.
"Hey..." I responded in a sad tone, "You ok?" "You sound down" she says "Yeah I'm fine, Nessa was just being an asshole earlier"
"Oh I'm sorry, don't listen to her, she's just jealous that no one likes her" She said trying to cheer me up "Yeah maybe" I said as I continued eating
(A couple hours later school is over)
I was walking out of school when I bumped into someone "oh I'm sorry I wasn't watching were I was going" a man said. I looked up and saw that I had just bumped into Noah beck. The captain of the soccer team "it's fine I wasn't looking either" I said to him "Hey are you new here?" He asked "Um no I've been coming here for 3 years.." I said "oh I've never seen you, well I probably have but I'm terrible with faces" he laughed a little. And I kinda giggled, I always thought of him as the popular kid who would hook up with a girl then dump them the next day and just be an asshole. "well I gotta get going, see you around if you remember my face?" I asked giggling "for sure" he said back

Noah's POV:
I was texting Bryce on my phone about soccer practice when I ran into someone, I apologized then looked up to see who I ran into. I honestly didn't know who she was. But she was gorgeous. Like really really gorgeous. I asked her if she was new and she said no. Which was kinda embarrassing. We had a little conversation then she left. I'm hoping I will see...and I didn't even get her name. idiot! Well I hope I see her tomorrow.

The next day

Dixie's POV:
Same routine. Woke up. Got ready. Then drove me and my sister to school. Once we got there me and Charli waited in the parking lot standing next to my car because we got there early. When suddenly Noah came up to me "Hey!" He said "Oh hey Noah" I said back
"how do you know my name" he asked
"your Noah beck, who doesn't know your name?" I asked while giggling and he slightly chuckled "Well I may be Noah beck but who are you? I forgot to ask you your name yesterday" he said "oh my name is Dixie" he smiled "I love that name" he said which caused me to blush then the school bell rang "Well I gotta get to class" he said
"Same here" I responded.
I went to my first class which was math.
I sat down in my seat and opened my textbook to page 34 or whatever. You know how that shit goes. While our teacher was talking I was barley paying attention but she said that we had a project to do and that we had partners. I started actually paying attention after that. After she finished talking about what the project was she started naming partners. And eventually she got to me and said "Dixie and....

Authors Note/
Hey...this is my first book/ a really interesting person as you can tell 😏

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