New Years

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(A couple months later)
Dixie's POV:
It's December and just like October me and some friends are doing a big Christmas collab. Me and Noah are friends. Just friends. I do miss cuddling him and kissing him but I'm not ready still, today we are doing my video which is white elephant, we filmed it and had a lot of fun. I'm happy I can celebrate Christmas with my friends. And Noah.
(A couple days later)
Noah's POV:
We were filming a big collab, today was the last day and we were doing a secret Santa. I got Dixie, (Ik in the video he got charli but just go with it) I'm really excited, I wanna get her something special because she deserves the world... I miss hugging her and telling her now much I love her, but what I did was wrong. Anyway, I already knew what I wanted to get her so I went and got everything I needed, I set up and wrapped it, we all headed over to James' house and I saw Dixie, she looked great, no makeup. Just her hair in a pony tail and a jacket and some jeans. Beautiful. I sat next to her and we just talked a little bit. We started filming and it was a lot of fun, but then came my turn. I grabbed the wrapped box and gave it to Dixie, "Thanks Noah" she said smiling at me, she opened it and it was a big wooden box, she opened it and...

Dixie's POV:
Photos. Of me and Noah. All the memories that we have shared over the past couple months, there were photos and a bunch of candy. In the middle on the candy was a box, I opened it and it was a beautiful silver bracelet. It had a charm and in the charm was engraved.
"Forever and Always", "Thank you Noah" I said. I got up and hugged him tight, I showed everyone and they all thought it was adorable. I immediately put the bracelet on and I realized that Noah also had the same one on. His was gold and also said "Forever and Always". So cute. We finished the video and decided to watch a movie, we all went to James' couch and turned on a Christmas movie. I started getting tired and I rested my head on Noah's shoulder. He put his head on top of mine and I couldn't help but smile. Before I knew it. I was asleep.

Noah's POV:
"I'm gonna take her home" I said to everyone, I picked Dixie up like a baby and she digged her head into the crook of my neck, I gently put her in the passenger seat and got in on my side. I drove her back to her apartment, I picked her up like a baby again and carried her up the stairs, I had a spare key so I opened the door and brought her into her bedroom. I laid her down and I saw that she was in jeans and a jacket. Her hair was also in a pony, which didn't look comfortable. I carefully pulled her pony out and then I took off her jacket. I wanted to get her out of those jeans but I also didn't wanna make her uncomfortable and I didn't wanna wake her up to ask for permission. So I left those on, I covered her up and left her a note on her night stand. Then I went home.

Dixie's POV:
I woke up the next morning and I was in my own bed. Jacket off. Pony tail down, I then saw a note on my nightstand

Hey Dix. You fell asleep at James' house so I brought you home, I took of your jacket and stuff wanting to make you more comfy. Hope you slept good!
Noah <3

Dixie's POV:
God. He's so sweet. I just smiled thinking about the fact that he didn't just leave me in all my clothes. Or the fact that he even brought me home, I can't deny it. Noah Beck is the sweetest man alive, I hooked up some of my tubed foods and just chilled for the rest of the day.
(One month later)
Dixies POV:
Today is new years eve and tonight we're having a big celebration with friends and family. Everyone's gonna be there including Noah, his family lives in Arizona so unfortunately they couldn't come. It was 7:15 and the party started at 8:00 so I decided to start getting ready, I got up and showered, brushed my hair and teeth, then I went into my room and picked a cute outfit and applied a little bit of make up. This was the finished outfit:

Noah's POV: I'm super excited for tonight, we'll if I'm being honest I'm a little excited for the party and really exited to see Dixie, I can't help it

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Noah's POV:
I'm super excited for tonight, we'll if I'm being honest I'm a little excited for the party and really exited to see Dixie, I can't help it. Even though we're not together I still love her. Just the thought of that girl makes me smile, I got into he shower and then did my hair, brushed my teeth. And then went into my bedroom to find something to where, this was the finished project:

(A little while later the party started) Noah's POV: The party was at sway, I was on the couch and Dixie wasn't here, I decided to just wait for her, about 30 seconds later I see this stunning girl walk through the door, beautiful black hair and t...

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(A little while later the party started)
Noah's POV:
The party was at sway, I was on the couch and Dixie wasn't here, I decided to just wait for her, about 30 seconds later I see this stunning girl walk through the door, beautiful black hair and the cutest smile on her face, ladies and gentlemen. Dixie D'Amelio. "Hey Dix" I said walking up to her "you look beautiful" I said hugging her "Thanks Noah, you don't look to bad yourself" she said pulling away from the hug. I giggled.
(A couple hours later)
Dixie's POV:
It was 11:34 so it would be new years soon, me and Noah talked and we kinda went our separate ways. I was with the girls and Noah was with the boys. Every once in a while I would turn my head and see him staring at me and smiling, just like he did in class when we first met. It made me blush that even though we weren't dating he still thought of me as the most beautiful girl. Even with my weight and this stupid tube. Before I knew it, it was 11:53, every one went out to the balcony in the front of the house, "Hey wanna go out in the back?" Noah asked. "Sure" I said smiling. We went out on the back balcony, "You look stunning Dixie" Noah said looking at me, "You look amazing too Noah" I said smiling. We just stood there. There has never really been a awkward silence between me and Noah. And there still wasn't. We stood there in silence both thinking about our own thing, suddenly I heard everyone start counting down, So me and Noah counted down together
5..4..3...2...1! We said in union. Suddenly everyone was cheering. I turned to Noah and did the first thing that came to my mind.

I kissed him.

Cliffhanger... Yeah.

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