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The walls were a cream beige colour with a tint of green, strange machines and unknown men and women walked by in lab coats. A large symbol rested on the wall, red and white, tinted green through the glass tube. The water bubbled with each breath of air, tubes connected to the glass cage supplying unknown liquids to the water, strange red liquid was flowing through an IV.

A fair skinned woman floated unnaturally in the tube, her eyes opened slightly looking at the strange environment in front of her to which she comically made up stories about involving strange monsters and heroic characters that would never save her. She did not know who she was, where she was from or what her purpose was; though she felt herself growing stronger day by day, her mind seemed to taunt her occasionally.

She had moments of unexplainable rage where the outline of her sight would become a tinge of red and she could see the smallest specks of dust throughout the room. She could hear the beating hearts of the people in lab coats, the distant talking and the growls of strange beings. Despite being submerged in water, she could breath naturally and smell the chemicals throughout the room that were overbearing.

She had heard a conversation between two lab coats discussing something called the AV3-Tyrant and it's successful status increasing daily. They mentioned a certain name often; Birkin, and she couldn't help but believe they were her creator or more. The people around her were oblivious to her growing strength, none of them realising exactly what they were creating; nor what kind of impact they gave her.

It wasn't until blaring alarms began ringing that filled the woman with a strange sense of what she described as dread; purely because the world sounded like dead - meaning bad. Her memories consisted of every word in the English dictionary along with the knowledge of Spanish and Russian; she did not understand why but it soothed her in some ways, perhaps it could help her understand her purpose.

When the alarms finally stopped only to be followed by screams, loud bangs and strange groaning for a short time until it turned to silence. The experiment hated the silence, it made her angry and all she wanted was a sound, any sound. No one had returned to her environment and she truly believed she had been abandoned, left to die as a forgotten person with no impact or legacy.

It wasn't until a fit of rage when she raised her fists forcing them into the glass shattering it on impact causing her to fall out, cutting herself on the shards though she didn't seem to mind as she watched her skin overlap leaving no scar. She attempted to hold herself up with her arms, her arms shook before they gave way causing her to crash back into the ground with a groan.

She took a steady breath, the cool air was different from the tank and it soothed her lungs, a breath of relief left her chapped lips. She pushed herself up, slower than before to allow her body to adapt until she was up on her knees looking around. The cool air caused her to shiver as she looked down realising that she was nude, though she wasn't bothered by it.

She let her eyes wander around the room, the lack of the green tinge was slightly uncomfortable for her but she enjoyed the creamy beige colour. She noticed the desk by her, placing her hand on it to help lift herself up on her feet, she leaned her weight against the table to adjust to standing. On the desk saying multiple files and without any issues, she spotted a file with the title; AV3-Tyrant.

She flipped the page over and was met with a bunch of strange words that she didn't know the meaning off. With a steady breath, she looked over the next page finding a name listed by Experiment Occupant that read; Amara Williams. She let her mind wander for any familiarity to the name, it seemed familiar yet estranged.

She cleared her throat of its sudden dryness before attempting to speak, after a few moments, she managed to say the name softly. She was almost startled by the soft tone of her voice, she would've expected something rough or hoarse due the fact she didn't remember a time using her voice box. She smiled slightly before reading the next few bits of information stating that she was Eight when the experiments began.

She was now Twenty-Two and she was an orphan with no immediate family, she had been taken in by the Birkin family where she had been diagnosed with a terminal disease that lead to the idea of experimental treatment using something they called the G-Virus but it had mutated within her cells and that's how it became the AV3-Tyrant strain.

Her terminal disease had been eradicated and she had been essentially cured yet the experiments never stopped, the reasoning wasn't listed. Nothing seemed familiar to Amara but she was intrigued to find out more, her sudden stories of heroes made her smile at the realisation of being one. She noticed a box with clothing, she ran her fingers through her damp silver hair before forcing herself to walk over.

Her right foot dragged along the ground due to her unstable walk but the cool breeze was now causing goosebumps on her skin, her fingertips chilled while the light hairs on her arms stood. She pulled out some items of clothing, taking a moment to think before realising what each item was and how to wear them. She pulled on a semi-tight cropped sport bra and some plain material underwear before looking throughout the box.

She eyes wandered and noticed another box behind it, pulling the lid open she was met with clothing items that seemed more... tactical. Due to the eerie nature of this situation she decided to be safe rather than sorry, slipping on some tight fitting black pants and a plain black sleeved shirt before clipping on the tactical vest and the holsters for some type of weapon, she assumed.

She picked up some black socks and slipped them on once she sat in the seat before slipping on the boots that rested in the box. She let out a steady breath feeling warm in her clothes as she picked up a strange circle band that she used to tie her hair up out of the way. She slowly made her way towards the door finally feeling mostly prepared, taking another steady breath before walking out of her "safe haven".

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How are you feeling about this?
Picture above (from Pinterest) is Amara XD
- Mel ;p

Also, thanks @sarahinnonce34 for the support already!
I really appreciate it.

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