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✦༝┉┉┉˚**.☣ ♡ ☣.**˚┉┉┉༝✦

Leon opened his eyes and looked to his side, Amara was asleep on Leon's shoulder. He smiled softly at her as she let out quiet snores, he took in a deep breath as he thought over the words he heard come from Amara. She had basically admitted to having an attraction - well, crush - towards him and she had suspicions towards Ada. What had Ada said to Amara that left her so shaken up? Leon wondered. He was glad that he wasn't the only one feeling something, but he understood how new this was for her.

He lightly nudged her knowing that they still had to go after Ada, even if he was beginning to feel unsure about Ada's true intentions. His shoulder ached as he finally woke Amara from her light slumber. "L-Leon?" Amara mumbled out as she yawn softly, the sight caused a warmth to course through Leon's chest and he smiled softly at the unique woman. "Hey Amara..." Leon spoke softly, he was no longer in a rush to find Ada, he just wanted to stay there next to Amara.

"You're okay!" Amara cheered, now fully awake and smiling brightly at Leon who chuckled lightly at her sudden energy burst. Leon nodded before catching Amara in his arms as she practically jumped into him, resting her head in the crook of his neck. "You scared me!" Amara whimpered out, she couldn't see her future without Leon Kennedy in it. "I didn't mean too," Leon whispered back to her as he held her against his body, the warmth coming from her made him smile.

Amara pulled away and the two stared at one another until Amara noticed Ada's coat, she sighed quietly. "We should go find Ada..." Amara said before standing up and adjusted her shirt. Leon fought the urge to grab Amara by her waist to kiss her, he stood up and nodded in defeat before the two made their way down the corridor to find Ada.

Amara stuck close by Leon as they walked through the halls to find Ada, they dropped down into the sewer water, Leon catching Amara with a slight wince causing her to frown in concern. He shook it off and smiled at her before they continued through the dark tunnel, Leon keeping Amara close to him. Amara did her best to ignore the smell of the sewer as she said close to Leon, they found a video tape and some stairs, they made their way out taking out an undead being first.

They quickly realised they needed a key to enter into the treatment facility, plus there were a few undead beings roaming about awaiting its next snack. Amara easily shoot them down before they headed to an elevator that bought them up to another floor with another locked door. Amara sighed as she followed behind Leon back into the sewer water for another ledge that would hopefully lead to a way out or the location of the keys.

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The two survivors had found their way in the other side of the tunnel walking through the water where they approached a strange fleshy mutation that rushed towards them growling, Leon fired his shotgun at it in hopes of protecting Amara. Amara however, had enough of the numerous dead and mutated creatures, she threw her hand up with bright vibrant blue eyes and threw the creature back without realising what she was doing, the creature fell limp with a quiet shriek.

Leon looked over at Amara in awe and adoration as she took deep breaths as a wave of exhaustion hit her, she smiled up at Leon before walking towards him. "That... was amazing!" Leon complimented, finding himself falling harder for the woman standing before him. "Thanks. We should continue searching for Ada," Amara responded, her heart racing after seeing the pure look in Leon's eyes that was directed at her.

Leon nodded before leading the way past the dead creature and into a room where they finally found a door they could open. There was a locker with a combination lock but neither knew the combination, they walked by it and Leon noticed a drop. "I'll go down... Wait for my signal to come down, alright?" Leon ordered softly. He watched as she thought about it before sighing in defeat, "Fine, but if I hear you in danger, I'm coming down!" Leon sighed and nodded.

Leon dropped down the two levels and looked around the open room, looking towards the glass and focused on the noises he swallowed slowly. "I don't like the sound of that," Leon spoke loudly to himself before walking towards the glass window and looking through it. Down below, Ada lay on her side in a pile of scrap and garbage, unconscious. Amara steps up behind Leon and looks through the window.

"Didn't I ask you to wait for my signal?" Leon spoke, though he was more playful in his tone rather than annoyed or angered. "It was too quiet," Amara spoke back softly before looking through the window again, spotting Ada on the floor. "And I don't like being away from you... partner," Amara finished off before stepping away from the window. "Right, partner. Shall we?" Leon replied with a smile, he liked that she didn't like being away from him.

They stepped over to a TV and video player, Leon slipped in the video tape and the TV was static for a moment before loading the video. An open briefcase was the main focus on the screen as someone's voice echoed through the small room, "Please... Oh... please...stop...st-stop!" Amara shifted uncomfortably before moving closer to Leon, whose hand brushed against hers. The mutated man from earlier appeared on screen grabbing the case before attacking the men.

"The virus... I bet those rats spread it," Leon said to Amara once the video ended. "They become infected then they bite a person and it continues its spread... But that could mean it was accidental, right?" Amara asked, she hoped for some good. The only thing she's seen since her freedom from the tube tank has been death, destruction and pain; Leon had been the only good thing to come out of all of it so far.

Leon looked to her, he could see the hopeful glint in her eyes and he couldn't bring himself to destroy it. "Yeah, it could've been an accident that became catastrophic," Leon replied with a small smile before looking towards the glass. "We gotta help Ada," Leon said as he turned back to Amara, she nodded and the two continued on their search for a way down to Ada. Neither of them aware of the eyes watching them closely...

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Author Note
What do you think of the new cover made by RuffieRoseStories

I personally love it!
Be sure to check out her stories!

Mel xox

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