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✦༝┉┉┉˚**.☣ ♡ ☣.**˚┉┉┉༝✦

Amara stood tall after gaining her balance from the sudden tremor impact on the train. "What was that?" Claire asked Leon and Amara, the latter closed her eyes as she focused on the dark presence. "I don't know," Leon answered, Amara's eyes opening. "I'll go check it out, you three wait here," Amara advised before kissing Leon's cheek. She made her way out of the train into another cart, picking up some ammo resting on the crates.

She swallowed slowly as the presence got closer and closer, she only had one thing in mind and that was to ensure that Leon, Claire and Sherry got away from this cursed city. The moment she reached the door, a loud growl echoed as she crossed into the final cart. A large mutation of what was once William Birkin began tearing away at the train prompting Amara to fire bullet after bullet.

A large swollen yellow eyeball revealed itself within the mouth of sharp teeth, Amara's eyes shone blue as she threw her empty AR aside and pulled out her pistol. She focused every shot on the eyeball after noticing that being its weak spot, she was quickly running low on ammo as the mutant tore apart the cart before vine-like arms began swinging at Amara causing her to fall to the ground.

"Amara!" Leon and Claire's voices caught Amara's attention, she turned her head to see the three watching her from the other cart. The three held on tight to the bars or accessible items that prevented them from falling off the train cart. "Claire, look after Sherry," Leon told the brunette before steadying himself, he had every intent to help Amara. Leon got to work on disconnecting the cart from the rest of the train while Amara pushed off of the ground, balancing her stance.

Claire held Sherry close to her to make sure the girl would be safe as Amara lifted a pipe from the ground, she raised it with all her strength before ramming it into the mutants eyeball. "How's that?" Amara muttered aggressively, twisting the pipe within the eye. "Never. Mess. With. My. Family," Amara seethed at before pulling the pipe from the eye causing it to explode like a pimple.

Leon reached his arm out to Amara, the woman reached for his as the carts disconnected and the destroyed one began to fall back into the flames of the laboratory. "Leon!" Amara called out before she closed her eyes, pushing off the ground with her power she landed safely within the cart. Leon instantly pulled her into his arms as Claire held Sherry closer, the four of them watched the mutation of William Birkin burn leaving no trace of what he became.

✦༝┉┉┉˚**.☣ ♡ ☣.**˚┉┉┉༝✦

The four survivors walked away from Raccoon City under the rising sun, Leon interlocked his fingers with Amara's as he walked on her left. Sherry walked in Amara's right with Claire on Sherry's right, the four silent as they walked away from the nightmare they went through. "So, are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?" Sherry asked Leon and Amara, the former smiled while the latter flushed red bringing a sly smirk to Claire's face.

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