1.16 | 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗖𝗨𝗥𝗘

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✦༝┉┉┉˚**.☣ ♡ ☣.**˚┉┉┉༝✦

Amara and Leon headed out the open space room where the bridges were located, finally accessing the bridge they needed to get across to find the G-Virus sample. Amara focused on listening to the environment to ensure the Tyrant wasn't close by as Leon worked with the Signal Modulator so they could open the doors to the beds giving them more needed supplies. A dead being dropped from one, Amara quickly shot the undead man in the head causing his head to combust.

They managed to access another bridge, the two hurried their way through and found a video titled "operation NEST record". Amara wasn't sure she wanted to know the reason behind the destruction in front of them but Leon pushed the tape into the video player. The video showed men storming down the main lab where a familiar face looked into the camera's. "William Birkin, he and his wife took me in," Amara expressed softly as she watched the screen.

Leon looked from the screen to Amara noticing the pained expression on her face. "Doctor Birkin, you'll come along with us quietly," The solider spoke with his gun raised. "You think I didn't know you were coming? This is my life's work! And she is our daughter! I'm not handing over anything!" William screamed back as he held on tightly to the briefcase, his other hand resting within his coat that clearly meant he had a weapon.

"We have our orders, Doctor Birkin. I'll ask you one more time..." The soldier replied before William pulled out a gun and aimed it towards the soldiers, three of them fired off their own weapons causing an audible gasp to leave Amara's mouth. Her bottom lip quivered as she watched Birkin use his dying moments to inject the virus into him, changing him into the monster they had faced earlier on in the night.

Leon watched the TV intently until Amara grasped onto his hand, interlocking their fingers in hopes to ground herself. He looked over to her and reached up with his free hand to wipe the tear the fell away. "And the Tyrant girl?" The soldier spoke into his comms gaining both Amara's and Leon's attention. "Boss says leave her. She won't survive," The soldier replied before the camera cut out.

Amara looked to Leon fearfully due to those words, "What do you think he meant?" Leon let out a shaky breath unsure of what to answer. "I don't know. But I'll do what I can to find out," Leon assures her before the two continued on their way knowing they had to get the G sample. Eventually they stumbled upon the room they were looking for and resting in a strange containment was the vial containing the sample they were searching for.

Leon looked to Amara as he picked it up, "Huh, that was easy." Amara laughed quietly as she thought about the nights events. "Definitely hasn't been easy," Amara replied as she turned to walk out of the room, Leon trailing behind her with a wide smile; proud of himself for making her laugh, "Attention: Unauthorised removal of a [Level 4] virus detected. Facility lockdown initiated. Self-destruct sequence will begin when lockdown is complete," The computer voice echoed through the room.

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