Chapter 15

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(Okay so Rooney's a cat, and don't worry she really likes Jihyo to the point that she acts like a puppy. Lol I don't know what's gotten into me and I just imagined Rooney acting like a puppy when she's with Jihyo. I must be crazy lolll)

Jihyo's P.o.V.

I already prepared a towel and warm water in a basin. I carried it and went upstairs. I saw Rooney following me, and I just let her.

I went to Dani's room. He's still sleeping, of course. Gosh, I can't believe this. He hurt my feelings, but here I am, taking care of him.

"Aish. You know, Rooney, your owner is so... stupid."

I held Dani and lifted his shirt. But I couldn't do it. I feel shy!

"Okay.. You can do this, Jihyo. You already saw him topless, right? Besides.. Ugh whatever here we go. Hiya!" I said then lifted his shirt and tried not to look.

Damn! He still got abs!

Aish I told you not to look!!

I really tried not to look. I took the towel and damped it with the warm water then twisted it a bit.

Then I wiped his shoulders first. Then his arm, and then the other.. Alright what's next... His chest.

Okay, don't think naughty, Jihyo. Just do it!

I closed my eyes then slowly rubbed his chest with the towel. Then I lowered and felt his abs..

Oh god..

There! Finally!

But should I do his bottom too?

I should but...

"Ugh! If only you weren't my friend.. or my boss."

I closed my eyes and slowly pulled down his pants. Please tell me he's wearing boxers.

I opened my right eye to take a peek.

Yes! Thank goodness he's wearing boxers.

But god, this will be so awkard...

Finally! I'm done. I dressed him up with his pajamas I found in his closet and I should be going now.

But why do I feel like I don't want to?

I'm still in his room, staring at him, sleeping.

I sat down beside him and looked at his face.

"Am I really nothing to you, Dani? I thought we were friends... Or- okay, is it impossible for you to like me? Because I don't know anymore, Dani. I felt so hurt when I saw you crying and-"

I sighed. What am I even saying? Am I too hurt? Ugh.

I stood up and I was about to exit his room but I heard his voice.

"Stacy.. please stay. I need you.. I miss you," he pleaded while unconcious. I don't know but.. That hurt me.

Why am I getting hurt a lot today?

I exited his room and closed his door.

3rd Person's P.o.V.

Jihyo didn't see Rooney coming and she was startled. She almost stepped on Rooney, luckily she didn't.

But unluckily, she tripped.

"Ah! Aish.. Rooney! What were you doing?" she said and stood up.

*meow meow*

moving on with you | jihyo ♡ danielWhere stories live. Discover now