Chapter 9:Last Goodbyes and Heartbreaks

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Chapter 9

On the first page of our story

the future seem so bright

then this thang turnt out so evil

I don't know why I'm stil suprised

even angels have there wicked schemes and u take that to new extreme

but u always be my hero

even though u lost ur mind

just gonna stand there and watch Me burn

that's alright bcuz I like the way it hurt

just gonna stand there and hear Me cry

that's alright bcuz I love the way u lie

I love the way u lie. uhh

now this gravel in our voices

I guess it shattered from the fight

then this tug of war you'll always win even when I'm right

Twist Pov

I know this will sound crazii but I know who got Lexi and y they have her I set it up ,Im the reason her stepdad is dead,I'm the reason for all of this it all started in 1st grade I peed in my pants BAHAHAHAHAHAH laugh it on up I don't care

Carrie Pov (Lexi Mom):

I woke up knowing I wasn't gonna live long and I had to say my last goodbyes to my daughter Lexi Anna and I need to now bcuz this could be my last day here just then the doctor came in

Dr Anderson: How u feeling Carrie

Me: Not so good

Dr,A: Well do u want Me to call Lexi

Me: Yes P-cough Please

Dr A: K I'll give her a call

Back With LEXI

The Tears cannot stop coming I don't know who to turn to at this moment I don't want to go bck to the tour bus but I have no choice bcuz we will be on the road in a couple day-gco by her phone

I picked up the phone without even looking at the Caller I.D

Phone Convo

Dr A: Hi Is this Lexi

Me: Yep Who's speaking

Dr A: This is Dr A Your mothers doctor umm I was wondering if u can make a trip down here today she would like to talk to u

Me: Is everything alright

DrA: Y-Yes M-Mam she would like to talk to y-you

Me: Where is u located

Dr A: At Riversdale Hospital Recovery right acrossthe street from HipHopShop

I look up and realize the hospital right in front of Me ain't that about a BEEP lucky for Me

•In The Hospital•

I go up to the desk and ask the lady wat room number blah blah blah and she says its room 304 So she calling Me a hoe (A/N: 304 means Hoe in numbers)I'm gone let that go since my mama in there possibly dying I know the doctor was lying bout saying she was alright ^__^ look at that face I go up to thr glass and see the one that gave birth to Me laying there pale as ever and dry Why Me !!God Why' not the Omg girls and Roc ill try to be strong for her goes in the room stunned by her weak voice as she says

"Hey Baby"


"Honey this wasnt my fault god plan this "

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