Day 1

979 8 1

September 17

The kids were naked so we hurried up and bought pampers for the little ones and put it on them on the way to Deaton office.

We arrived at Deaton work. Stiles knock on the doors. We waited for a minute, when he open the door he was shock and confuse but he let us in

                            •Stiles point of view•
We walking inside and began explaining. "There was a witch who change them into kids yesterday but right before she left, she left a note that said Peter order her too." I explained. "So you telling me that a witch de-age your friends." Me and Derek nodded. "I can help you but I mean I have to find a ancient witch that may take a long time, learn the spell, get the tools and ingredients, make the spell that will take forever but it can be done.It might take 3 years to get me to find a spell that would turn them back to normal but it's a 50% it would work.But I need to take their blood." Deaton explain. 
I nodded and turn around to see Jackson and Scott in the corner hiding and that when I realized they are scared of needles. "Okay girls who wants to go first?" I ask and Allison raise her hands. Derek pick her up and place her on the metal table. I walk up to her and hold her hands, she turn her head and place it on my shoulders. After all the girls went Boyd went next. Which left Liam, Isaac, Scott. Isaac and Liam are babies so they cried but Stiles was there to comfort them. "Next" I said as Jackson and Scott look around scared. Derek walk up to Scott and Jackson but they ran away causing the pups to laugh as Derek sigh. Derek went after them.

5 minutes later Derek came back holding Jackson and Scott under his arms crying. "I don't want to go. Mommy please don't let me go." Scott said sobbing. "But baby how else we going to help you?" I ask in a calm voice taking them out of Derek hand and gave the babies to Derek. "I don't know but please" Scott said and boogers was coming out his nose. I turn to Deaton "is there any way else then blood?" When I ask Scott turn toward Deaton hoping for a yes but Deaton shook his head no which cause Scott to cry harder. "Okay baby boy here's what we are going to do. If you take the shot I'm going to give you candy if you don't I'm going to hold you down and make you get the shot and you won't get candy." He nodded and held his hand out, he stick his slobbery face in the crouch of my neck. For some reason it didn't Disgusting, when Deaton took all the blood he needed without Scott crying or moving, it was Jackson. "Same thing goes for you." I said and Jackson nodded unsure. As I hold him Deaton put the needle in and Jackson immediately started crying. We was starting to move and I can tell Deaton was kinda getting annoyed so I whispered soft and calming things in Jackson ears with cause him to calm down and drift asleep. "All done I will call you with new information. Oh and before I forget the books I was looking in was explaining how when people turn into a child it takes 1 day until their brain turn into a child." With that information we left.

We went to a grocery store nearby to get them candy of their choose which didn't go good. "Mommy can I get a kit-Kat." Scott ask. "Yes you can get the big bag" he pick it up and place it in the basket. "What do you think Jackson and the pack like?" I ask. "Jackson like Nutella and m&m" Scott ask. So we got the tube if Nutella and a big bag full with Nutella. We went to the check out lane, as they were scanning the candy this random lady came up to use and try to start an argument. "Um sir, your son is just wearing pampers and that is unsanitary" I turn to her and look at Scott who look like he's about to cry and I won't allow that. "Oh really so is that mustache under your nose, that huge bush under your armpit, and that the fact that your knees literally have layer and layer of dirt on it" I said as the cashier was laughing and gave me an high five. I took my bags and left leaving the Karen embarrassed.

As I got home I seen everyone awake talking in the living room and seen Isaac and Liam playing and hugging each other which was adorable. "Guys you should of been at the store mommy stood up to a lady. The lady said  'Um sir, your son is just wearing pampers and that is unsanitary' and mommy said 'Oh really so is that mustache under your nose, that huge bush under your armpit, and that the fact that your knees literally have layer and layer of dirt on it' and everyone was laughing." Scott explained mimicking mines and the Karen voice it was adorable. Derek look at me with love and adore with made me blush

I walk into the kitchen and place the candies down. Then arguments broke out. I gave Derek a glare and he sighs and went to handle that. I went to go play with the babies who are kinda like twins when Deaton call me. "Stiles I tested the blood and I found out that the kids are now biologically your and Derek. All of them hold your fox blood and Derek wolf genes. Meaning they can turn into full wolve but have fox eyes." Deaton said over the phone. "You serious and what about my too little twins." I ask over the phone. "So you already know that they are twins now? Wow. But tomorrow they would go up an age and I'm trying to find out why. So to warn you the twins will be 2. I advice you to tell their parents today then tomorrow." He said hanging up. I turn to see the kids eating chocolate and Derek shock face with let me know he was in my conversation.

I call each and everyone parents including mines over to the hale house. Each and everyone can in 30 minutes. They all sat down confused. "Okay you all here because something happen and I don't want you to freak out. Just know it something about supernatural and your children's." I said and they nodded I can smell the  fear and curiosity coming off of them. "So one night we had an encounter with a witch who turn your children's in to literally children's." They all look shock. "That not all the person who told the witch to do that us no other the Chris husband Peter" I said looking at him, he look down as he felt every parents eyes on him. "Can we see them?" Lydia mom ask and I nodded. "Pups come out.

They came out and look around. "Hey Natalie" Lydia said to her mother. Her mother look at me shock. "Oh I forgot the witch mission was to also make them genetically mines and Derek" every turn back to Chris as he look back down ashamed. "So where's my son?" Liam dad ask. I sigh and pick up Liam and Isaac off the couch and walk towards Liam dad. He cooed. "They adorable. Can he stay like this forever and why is their two?" Liam dad ask. "They was turn to the same age at the same time so they are now twins. Also tomorrow they will be 2 years old." I answered. "So my son thinks I'm a grandma ma and your father a grandpa. They also all siblings." Melissa ask. And I nodded once again.

"How long will it takes to turn them back?" Chris ask. "Deaton said 3 years but it's a 50/50 chance it would work." I answered honestly. "Okay so you and Derek would take care of the kids for 3 years. We will play the part of the aunties, uncle, and the grandparents until something happen. And if the cure doesn't work it's in your custody and we will still play our parts. Do y'all parents agree?" My father ask the other parents how Hesitated before nodded. We had a conversation about random things and I introduced the kids to their 'Aunties, uncles, and grandparents' the kids stick to them like white on rice. They got ready to leave but not before me saying "Chris tell your boyfriend he has a week to come over and explain or we coming to get him." He nodded and left.

I turned to see the kids face full with chocolate even Liam and Isaac. "Okay I'm going to get the tub ready and when I'm done  Scott, Jackson, and Boyd your first to shower then the girls." I said the nodded still feeding they face with chocolate. "Guys come here" I called out to the boys and help them in the tub. They was making bubble beard and hair. Boyd was falling asleep in the tub I took him out and wrap a towel on him, he drifted off to sleep. "Babe wash the baby clothes I found in the attic." I heard a muffle 'okay' I place a wrap up Boyd on the bed and took a laughing Jackson out wrapping him and putting him next to Boyd. I did the same for Scott and they Girls. "Babe wash Liam and Isaac but in the sink the tub too big." I said. He had me the clothes I took the girls to the other room and told them to wait. I got the boys dress and when I was done they were sleep. I walk into the the room the girls were and did the same. I pick the girls up one by one and put them next to the
boys on the bed as the slowly fall asleep.

I heard laughter and peak into the bathroom and seen Liam already dress so I pick him up and place him on the bed surrounded with pillows and Isaac on the counter with a blanket under. Derek is playing peak a boo with Isaac. Derek is actually smiling. I left to go to the room and grab my phone. I went back to my peaking spot and record Derek. I stop recording and fully walk in. "Having fun?" I ask teasing. "He jump and clear his throat, "How did I not hear you?" I smirk and walk towards him, "maybe because you was so into what you was doing that made you smiled." I said teasing him. "I don't know what you talking about." He said pretending to be clueless. "Oh you don't them what is this" I said pulling out the video. He tried to take it but I back up. "Don't show anybody this" Derek said softly. "I will save it. We don't want the to know daddy a big softy and probably like Isaac more." I said cleaning up the water spill. "I don't have favorite and I'm not a softy." He said picking up a sleeping Isaac and place him next to Liam. We walk towards the bed I save for me and Derek spot in the middle. Me and him laid down cuddling and immediately it turns into a pup pile. I breathe in the scent of my family and fell asleep.

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