Day 10.5

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1 weeks later

After we ate and we went out to the back yard they began to shift and ran around chasing each other on a full moon. They look like baby wolves which was adorable. The full moon was on its apex when I felt pain all over my body. The pups and Derek look at me worried. I began to feel all of the bone in my body starting to break. Minutes later, I was fully shifted. I turn my body in a certain area to see my body, my body was a white and furry, with a foxes tail with baby blue tips . I turn to look at the others only to find them staring at me. The world began to spin as I got dizzy and pass out.I woke up to the pack and Deaton staring at me. I had a cover over me letting me know I'm naked. Liam automatically just and grip on to my torso. "Hey pup" I said in a low voice. "So let's just get straight to the case I have places to be" Deaton said quickly so I decided to tease him. "Ouuuuuu looks like someone have a date" I said wriggling my eyebrows, he just glare at me. "I'm guessing y'all had sex during a full moon or he would be supernatural. Stiles took the form he act which is loving,caring, and curious like a fox. Alpha can get any gender pregnant which I'm guessing stiles is but I don't have the time and energy to get into that as I got a 'date' that I'm 5 minutes late to." Deaton said walking out. "Wow he really is a mood." I commented getting up. I heard gasp so I look back to see Malia and Kira looking amazed. "You have a fluffy tail" malia said. "And ears" Kira added. "Want to touch it" I ask. The pups nodded theirs heads anxiously, I chuckle and sat down. They ran and began petting me which felt good. Derek sat in front of me and I immediately remember the whole pregnancy thing. "Babe your pregnant" Derek said still shock. "He said it's likely and we had sex 3 weeks ago you would of been able to heard the heart beat." The pups put their ears near my stomach and listen carefully. They look at me with a smile on their faces. "I heard 2" Isaac said grinning. I was shock until I thought about giving birth to a mini stiles and Derek. I look at him seeing tears in his eyes. I got up and hug him. "I'm going to keep it. Would you like that?" I ask and he nodded happily.

I kiss him and went to go shower. I came down with a white sweater with grey gym shorts and sesame streets socks that's white and light blue. It also says Cookie Monster. My hair is still wet. Once I got dry my ears and tails immediately came out more fluffy and puffy. I pick up every thing off the floor and put them in their original spots to clean up the house and do the dishes. Once I was done with that I went upstairs to see the pups asleep in their rooms and Derek half asleep in our room I kiss their heads good night and made my way towards Derek who woke up and pulled me to bed. He wraps his hands around my waist pulling me closer making my back touch his chest as he caresses my stomach. I lean my lean back so I was closer to him and fell asleep.

Sorry this short it's literally 12:53! And I have to wake up at 5:00 tomorrow for school

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