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Today is the day of Halloween. All the littles one are running round the house getting dress and finding their baskets. "Mommy did you see my bat?" Allison ask. "Yea it's on the couch by the fireplace" I answer. She ran downstairs to the living room. I help with the make up and put on their costumes. I made cookie and told them to make candy bowls in the kitchen so that when they parents come over from their last minute 'Adult night' that they will pass it out to who ever knock asking for candy.

I walk up stairs to Derek still asleep. I slightly shook him to wake up but that didn't happen so I decided to slap him. He jump awake glowing his red eyes at me growling. Once he calmed down he look at me and glare, which made my smile softly. "You know we have to go trick or treat soon. Of you don't go the kids will be sad." I said softly he got up and walk to the bathroom with me right behind him. "Do I really have to wear a tail?" He asking pouting trying to get me to change me mind. "I'll tell you what, just wear the tail and the ears and that it. It out if that or u wear the whole costume which includes a furry suit." He was smart and chose the first option. Everything was perfect the kids look excited. The parents came to the house with wine, Champagne, alcohol, and beer. That going to have a long night.
Once everyone was done and ready, they walking towards the living room looking adorable. I took multiple pictures as memories for when they turn back.

"Ok do y'all want to separate in groups or go as one?" I ask Derek and the pup. "Groups so we get more candy." Lydia said looking on the mirror. "Ok pick y'all groups" I said going to check on Derek. "Babe you done?" I ask and he came out the bathroom mad. "Aw you look adorable." I said as a compliment. "Thank" he kiss me and went down stairs. "Wow dad you soft and adorable" Isaac said with a cheeky grin. Derek just huff when the whole pack agree. "So did y'all pick who goes with who?" I ask  and they nodded.
Group 1   (Stiles)                  Group 2 (Derek)
Isaac and Liam                         •Scott
•Kira                                               •Allison and Lydia
• Boyd and Erica                        •Jackson and Malia

Derek point of view
At the first house

"Okay guys number one rule if it's says take one, take a hand full. If you get caught run. Got it?" Everyone nodded. We walk up to the first house and knock. "TRICK OR TREAT" the kids ask. "Aren't y'all adorable"A women said. She gave them the candy and we went from house to house. We made it to a house where the man decided to trick rather then trick.

He decided to make someone I believe his son to sneak up behind us. And I know I have wolf hearing but I couldn't hear him which was weird. So when he scream or something I turned around and punch him. Leaving him unconscious. I said sorry and we all ran. The pups was laughing. Our late house was a 'only take one please' house. "Remember what I told you. If u get caught run okay just run to the hale house I will be behind y'all" I explained again. They gave me this evil grin which made my proud.

We walk up to the house and Malia began carrying a hand full of candy and the others began doing the same. The woman came out of her house yelling that when we sprinted. We ran down the street and when Scott fall down he place his candy bucket right side up so it didn't spill and he acted like one of those people who got shot in movies. I pick his actress ass up along with his bucket and continue running.

I made it back to the hale house seeing my mate making his way there with a sleeping Liam in his hands. "Hey babe how was your trick or treating day?" He ask me. I smiled and kiss him making our way inside. I see the pups out of breath laughing. Stiles looked confused.

"What happen?" Stiles ask. "Well a lot of things happen. Derek punch a guy and we took a lot of candy out of the 'only take one' bowl and got caught and ran here" Scott explained still in Derek grasp. "Then Scott wanted to be a actress who got shot and fell down but not before fixing his candy bucket." I explained. Stiles was laughing and then realized something. "Wait the guy you punch, did he have brown hair and wearing an Michael myer costume" Stiles ask. I nodded then Boyd and Erica was shock. Stiles was laughing. "What's funny?" Which made them laugh harder. "So I'm guessing the boy you punch decided to continue scaring people because when we got there he scare them again. He was directing behind Boyd and Erica. When the boy scream Boyd jump and punch him while Erica kick him in groin." Stiles said putting Liam on the couch and covering him with a blanket.

"Mom? Can you make me a cookie please?" Jackson ask. "Okay but Derek do me a favor check and see if the candy are not poison and Jackson come help me." Stiles stated walking into the kitchen with Jackson behind him.

Minutes later (I got lazy)
The cookie was done and they kids pour their candy on the coffee table. Comparing them. They swap candy and shared which was nice. "Don't eat to much or your stomach going to hurt." Stiles stated bring Liam upstairs to his room. Today was the best day ever.

Todays my birthday. September 27💜😘 so I might not be active for a while. Let me know what else you want to see happen

 Let me know what else you want to see happen

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