Day 4

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Derek point of view

The next day I woke up at 5 in the morning to crying. I got up to see who's crying only to find Peter already there nurturing Liam. It was adorable. I leaned against the door frame and walk as Peter feeding Malia and rock her back to sleep. "I would of never I will see the day where 'The' Peter hale taking care of a child." I comment. He turn around and look at me. "Well your boyfriend gave me a chance and I wouldn't mess it up. Also I meant what I said about why I did this to them." I smiled and made my way went back to the room.

As I walk into the room I seen stiles stretch out on the bed but with his head hanging. I leave for 5 minutes and come back to this nonsense but it's cute. I went downstairs to cook breakfast. 30 minutes later I felt a arm snake around my arm, I turned around and see it was stiles. "Hey what you doing up so early?" Stiles ask in his sleeping voice which was honestly hot. "Well I heard crying so I went to the kids room and seen Peter already taking care of it so I went to go back to sleep when I seen you all over the bed which was cute so I just decided to make breakfast." Derek explained. "Well that sound like an great adventure." Stiles joke. As he begin to walk away I slap his hard ass hard. "Ow Derek" Stiles said rubbing his ass and continued to walk away.

I heard feet's coming from downstairs, I look and seen the kids coming towards the kitchen. Isaac and Liam were being held by Kira and Jackson. Stiles came back and kiss me saying he's going to go shower. "Hey dada" Isaac said. "Hey baby." I said with a smile. I set their plates on the table. I told Liam and Isaac and put them on their high chair. They began eating when stiles came downstairs with my clothes which was too big for him. My sweater was at his knees and his pants was just right for him he looks absolutely hot in my clothes.

He got his plate of food and went to the fridge to get juice and the kids sippy cup. "You look hot" I told him he blush and kiss me. "You can shower now I'll watch him." He said with a smile I nodded and head up stairs.

-after breakfast-
Stiles point of view

"What do y'all want to do today" I ask when we all was cuddling on the couch. "Let's go to the park" Malia happily. So that where we were headed but first they need to be bathe and clothes. I got up and was walking towards stairs when I felt someone on my legs making grabby hands at me and it was Jackson. I pick him up. "Derek help me bring the boys up here. After the boys showered it was the girls turn. Once they were done we had to pick out clothes.

"Boys what do y'all want to wear?" I ask sweetly

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"Boys what do y'all want to wear?" I ask sweetly. They ran and brought the clothes they wanted to wear I put it on them and went to the girls. "Mommy" I heard Erica called, "yes sweetie" I said. "Help me put put this on" she said walking towards me. "Ok but you need white stockings there's predictor outside." "But mommy it will make it look ugly" Erica whine. "No it won't I promise" she nodded, once we got it on her she loved it and ran to put on her sandals. I help the others and went to my room to change. I put on a regular black shirt and grey basketball shorts and a purple jacket. I went into the kitchen and made sandwiches and Drinks. When I was done I went to go find a picnic basket which was in the laundry for some reason. I took it and set it on the kitchen countertop and went to to the attic and found old covers and wash them.

The girls came down stairs and they look beautiful. Malia and Kira was matching and hair 2 pigtails, Erica hair was out but had a light blue headband. Allison and Lydia was also matching and bun. "Y'all look adorable" I said pulling them into a hug. "Hold up let me take a picture"  I grab my phone and took a couple of pictures. The boys came downstairs with Derek holding Liam and Isaac. "Aww y'all look adorable. Don't move" I said taking a picture of all of them together. Everyone stated joking around while I got the basket ready and got everyone ready in the vehicle.

-at the park-
Everyone was running around except for Liam and Isaac they was playing in the sand box. "Do you want to go on the swing." I said on a baby voice to Liam and Isaac. They got happy as I pick them up and place them on the swing. When they got hungry and thirsty they came and ate and drink.

-After 30 minutes-
"Mommy someone got Lydia. We was playing when a stranger came and grab her I tried to help when he hit me with a gun" Boyd said running up to me with a huge gash of blood on his forehead. Derek quickly went to find her while I deal with Boyd head and stayed with the others . Derek seen her fighting a random male. Derek went immediately to the male and rip his throat out. Derek pick up a crying Lydia and handed her to me. "He tried to kidnap me and Boyd but I push him out the way so he doesn't get taken but he tried to save me but got hit" she said sobbing on my shoulders. I walk away from the others. "It's okay baby. I proud of you for fighting back. You saved yourself and Boyd from danger. Your and amazing sister." I said in her ears softly. Seconds later she was sleep. I walk back to Derek. "Is he dead?" I ask and he nodded.

I went to the hospital for Boyd and a check up for Lydia. "What happen?" Scott mother ask me. I explained what happen and she took Boyd and Lydia with her to a room for check up. We left the hospital and headed home, once we got home we was immediately tackle down by the pack. "You guys are smashing us" Lydia complain. Everyone got up and went to the kitchen. "The pack got worried and decided to make food and planed a movie day." Derek explained irritated with watching movie day mostly every day. They got a plate of food and decided to watch twilight Boyd choice.

Last edit: 26 August 2021.  Happy 30 birthday Dylan O'Brien
Tune in next time more to come!!
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