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"What do you need there's a cure?" Melissa ask shock. "Exactly what it sounds like..." stiles said with a little bit of sass. "Do they know?" Lydia birth mom ask. "Not yet but I was planning on doing it after this picnic. "YOU SHOULD OF TOLD US" Lydia mom scream. It started pouring down rain but they allow the kids to keep on playing seeing as they are enjoying themselves.

"WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT ME?" Stiles ask back raising his voice catching Derek and the kids attention. "YOU KEPT AN IMPORTANT NEWS FROM US AND YOU ASKINV WHY IM YELLING.. YOU SERIOUS?" She scream back louder. "WE JUST FOUND OUT THIS MORNI.." stiles words was cut short when all of a sudden he felt something wet leak on his pants and down his legs. "Great... you screaming broke my water. I understand it was important but don't ever yell at me again" Stiles stated getting up with the help of Derek. It stated pouring down hard and all stiles could say is damn.

"Mommy baby coming" Isaac said happily while water is pouring down his face abs curls. "What news are they talking about mom?" Erica ask cause stiles to look at her. "How bout I tell you in the car." Erica agreed and the kids walk with Derek, Melissa and stiles to the car.

-in the car-
Stiles breathing in and out. Screaming in agony every 5 minutes. "Babe we almost there stay calm" stiles look at Derek like he was an idiot. "What do you mean stay calm. I'm in PAIN" stiles groan and scream at the same time. "Your making me anxious and two anxious person isn't exactly relaxing" Derek stated. "How close are we Melissa to Deaton?" Derek ask. "We here. Carry him inside"

Derek lift up stiles and burst into the vet office. Deaton sees what's going on and quickly take them to the back room. "Kids find covers and put them on the bed. Also find towels" Deaton instructed and all the kids went to find what was needed.

Once's everything was situated Derek calmly place a scream stiles on the cover table. "Stiles you can't push yet. You're only 7 centimeters dilated. I need to to wait a little longer" Deaton stated. Stiles nodded still in pain. "Kids wait outside for me please" Derek told them and the reluctantly obey. "Baby you going to be okay. Just breathe with me. In... out... in... out. There you go" As Derek whisper in stiles ears stiles does what Derek says. After an hour a 30 minutes stiles was finally 10 centimeters dilated.

**(Don't ask me when the baby coming out of. Use your imagination)**

"Okay stiles I need you to push. Ready?" Deaton ask and stiles nodded. Stiles push and push. Squeezing the shit out of Derek hands, "almost there I see the head keep pushing. After 5 minutes cries from a baby fills the room. A baby boy. The two happy couples got to hold their baby but there was something wrong when all of a sudden stiles started screaming again. "Deaton hurried and took the ultrasound machine as Derek take the baby out of stiles hands and saw two more babies and was shock. "I don't think stiles down" Deaton commented. "What do you mean?" Derek's scared for his mates life. "There's two more. Stiles push" stiles push with all he got. Then another baby boy came out 8 minutes later. Deaton hurried up and cut the cord seeing as the other baby didn't want to be left out. After 11 minutes a baby girl came out.

Stiles was exhausted holding one of his baby boy abs his baby girl. Stiles was too exhausted to care about the shock look on Derek face. Deaton let the kids in while he took the three babies to wrap them in a blanket neatly. The kids had the same look on their face as Derek. "There's 3" Alison said with her mouth open. "Yea there's three with no name. So would you like to pick our babies name?" Stiles ask and they nodded. "Which one is a girl or boy" boyd ask. "This one a girl and these two are boys" Stiles stated also looking at quiet and surprise Derek. "Okay first thing first who ever was born first gets called lightning because there's a storm outside and you water broke while in a storm" Jackson stated, "OH and the second born should be called Thunder" Liam said happy while jumping up and down. "Girls name my baby girl" Stiles said sweetly. "Audra. It means storm and her middle name can me Stormi" Erica said getting a closer look at the babies. "Would you like to hold them?" Stiles ask and they all nodded and started smiling. "First was your hands" they all ran and shove each other. Stiles look back at Derek and smile. "We'll me okay" stiles reinsure Derek causing him to smile and nod. The kids and back and Deaton made the kids sit on a couch (yes a coach came out of no where) then handed the kids the baby one by one and watch over them along with Melissa while the couple talks.

"We'll be just find. We have all the space and the time. We're okay" Derek kiss stiles and nodded. The couple look back at the kids with a smile as the notice the closeness and how they wasn't fighting over their 3 little angels.

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