Day 2

656 7 2

September 18

They toddlers woke up to a body they didn't have in a long time. They was confuse and went down stairs to find stiles and Derek sleeping on the couch. Lydia softly tap stiles to wake him up and said "mommy" stiles was shock and look around to find everyone awake but the twins.

•Stiles point of view•
I got up to make breakfast for the little ones, when I was done I went to get the Isaac and Liam to my surprise Deaton was right they did grow up but they can't walk so I pick them up. I was into the kitchen and was immediately ask questions by everyone. "Ok ok ok quiet We are going shopping for things we need." I stated. (Scott, Jackson, Allison, Kira Lydia, Erica and Boyd is 3 and Malia 4 btw)"Derek what car can we take you have millions of cars in your garage." He look at me and sigh. "How about we spilt into group and you can take my black Mercedes Benz."he stated. "Ok who wants to riding with mommy?" I ask and The girls raise their hands excitedly. And the boys went with their dad.

"Okay so girl with their mom and boys with their father. Do you was both the twins or do you want me to take one?" I ask. "You can have Isaac he look like a mama boys." I laugh and took him. "Okay we go shopping for everyone and you buy things kids needs. Also give me your credit card I'm currently broke." I said. He hand me his credit card and laugh. I kiss him and took my group to the mall.

We enter a store where they sale cute kids clothes. I got a cart and place Isaac in it. I buckle him in, "Girls go find clothes for you and the boys. But stick together. If you need me I'll be at the bottle selection." They giggled and ran off. I got 2 pack of bottles and went to get the formula once I got what I needed I went to find the girls. They had a lot of clothes on their hands. That's what I get for letting them go off on their own. I bought all the item we got and gave the bags for the girls to carry. I took Isaac out of the car and walk out. "What y'all want to do now? I ask. "By shoes and socks since we don't have any." She was right they didn't so I headed to the shoe place, I was surprise to find many different shoes. They pick Jordan's, nikes, and converse from the store with matching socks. I purchased the items and walk out. We also bout baby shoes that matches the boys shoes. We also went to buy carpets, frame photo for both boys and girls.

As we was in the car heading home I had an interesting question I had to ask since today is that last day they have they right mind. "Hey girls and izzy who's your crush?" I ask and everyone blush. "If I say that it probably will ruin friendship"Allison said. "No friendships will be ruin today the last they y'all in y'all tight minds tomorrow you all are full on babies." I stated. "Okay my crush is Boyd" Erica said with confidence as everyone says 'we know' . Then it was Malia turn "I want to reveal my crush to you in secret I'm not comfortable saying it infront of people yet" "That's ok let me know when you want to talk. What about you Kira? I ask her she look nervous. "Some thing Malia said." I nodded. "okay my c-crush is S-cott" Isaac stuttered nervously. "I knew it thank god now I can say my crush and my crush is you Lydia." Allison said turning towards Lydia. "Aw your mines too" Lydia said leaning towards Allison face. "No ma'am I ask about no where did I say to kiss" I ask as they blush. "And Isaac you don't have to be scared to say that it's adorable. If and when everything is normal you can take your chance. I'm sure he likes you back." I said running my fingers through his hair.

•Derek point of view•
I took the kids to Ikea for mattress and dressers. I got 2 big beds,big dressers, and car seats. I also got 2 baby beds and strollers."Go and find blankets for you and the girls. Oh and no fighting." I said giving them the famous hale glare. The nodded and race off. I pick up Liam and walk around until I heard screaming and arguments. I ran towards the problem and seen Jackson yelling at a Karen.

"You can get this is for Lydia. Back off" Jackson said. "No mister I want it and I'm going to get it where's your mother" the old Karen said. "My mother is with my sisters and like I said I.WANT.IT.BITCH" Jackson screamed. The Karen gasp. "I will spank you with my umbrella." The Karen threatening. I was watching and it was impressing. "Take that umbrella and shove that right up your a-" I interrupted him. "Hey women I'm his father what's going on?" I ask pretending to be clueless. "Your sons have been very disrespectful" the Karen said. "Jackson really..... TAKE THE BLANKETS AND RUN." I said and Jackson and the pups did just that we hurried up and paid. We got in the burst out in laughter. I put the car seat down and place Liam inside. He was still giggling. We headed back home. When we reach there the boys was fast asleep.

•Third point of view•
Stiles and Derek pulled up to the house at the same time. Both group of kids were sleep. "Babe can you get the kids and I'll go set up inside." Stiles ask and Derek nodded. Derek got the mattress from on top of the car and the dressers from the trunk. Derek put it inside of the room the kids going to sleep in and put to baby beds inside stiles and Derek room.

•Stiles point of view•
Derek help me put the things in the room. I started building the beds frame when Derek walk in. "Kids sleeping in our beds, we had an crazy adventure." Derek said smiling. "Oh really what did you do?" I ask screwing nails in the wood. "Jackson was arguing with a Karen over a blanket he wants for Lydia. I was watching until I interrupted asking clueless. I told them to grab blankets and run. I hurried up and paid. When we reach the car I heard baby Liam laugh which made me smiled." I smile at him he look so happy. We kept talking about the pups and what we are going to do.Once the beds were set I put their clothes in the drawer and set the bed up for when the children are sleepy

Once the beds were set I put their clothes in the drawer and set the bed up for when the children are sleepy

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(This a Visual of how the rooms look. I know it look like for teens but imagine stuff animals and toys)

I walk down stairs and seen everyone awake watching tv. "Okay guys get ready we going for nap time ." I announced and everyone went to get dress in there sleeping clothes.When they went into their rooms I heard everyone laughing which made me happy that they love their rooms. (The sleeping clothes in the image above is what they are wearing)

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