Flat Face - 7/31

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Some days I wake up and think, "wow my face sure feels flat today." Guess those are the days that im thinking more bout animal faces, and seeing bird's and wolf's do not have flat faces, its just odd for me. My mom looked at me weird, but eh. 

Super psyched about next week. Going to a week long in the woods camp at my Moon Tribe, now Luna Moth, but forever Moon Tribe for me. So excited. I cant wait!!

Today I worked on my hatchet cover, and last weekend dad helped me start my tree platform. We finished the ladder, and I gathered a lot of branches, and I think its going to turn out great!

Also tree related, i was at my grandparents house and chilling in a tree. I also practiced walking without hands on a branch, which was fantastic! Next time ill work on speed and see how high i can go. Then i helped Pa cut some branches on another tree. It was sad, but its so the smol pine trees can grow. Thankfully i can still climb it as the limbs we cut were not essential for getting on. 

I still have no lead on the birdy, but already im questioning something else. I wonder if my wolf even is a wolf. Im prepared for a lot of questioning and reasarch and uncertanty in my life as a therian, and now im questioning a deer. idk what type, but it makes more sense than a wolf, actually. They both live in forests and run on four legs, so that could explain the shifts. I think it could be actually a male, bc they stay in smol groups, but idk. And they are vegitarians, like myself. Who knows!

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