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It was Ruka's first day at the academy, and she was so excited that she woke up before the sun had risen. However, her parents couldn't be there with her, so her uncle, Sarutobi Asuma, noticed her and decided to accompany his only niece to school.

Asuma stared at the six-year-old girl in amusement as she attempted to make herself some breakfast while Kurenai grinned at him. "She must be so excited to see Kiba at the academy," Kurenai remarked. Asuma's smile dropped in annoyance.

Normally, Ruka was never keen on making friends her own age; she preferred to hang out with the silver lone wolf, much to Asuma's dismay. The girl would always pester her uncle to make Kakashi babysit her. However, ever since the incident that left Ruka heartbroken, Asuma became even more protective of her.

"What's so special about him?" Asuma grunted.

"That's what I thought about you at first," Kurenai teased, causing Asuma to roll his eyes. Lately, Ruka had been noticing how Kurenai would blush around her uncle, and she could sense the happiness they shared in each other's company. A plan started forming in her mind.

"Asuma, can we all walk to the academy together?" Ruka asked with a sweet smile. Kurenai looked down at Ruka and smiled back. "But if I walked with you to the academy, who would take care of your brother?"

Ruka furrowed her eyebrows in annoyance. "The old geezer can do it," she replied, causing the two jonin to laugh. "Lord Third is busy, Ruka."

The princess looked down in disappointment, knowing that her plan was ruined. But then Asuma knelt down and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, at least I'll be walking with you to the academy."

Ruka stared at her uncle as he smiled softly, comforting her. "Okay," she whispered before hugging Kurenai tightly. Kurenai's eyes softened as she hugged Ruka back. "Make some new friends, okay?"


Ruka walked beside Asuma, holding his hand as they made their way to the academy. People around her gushed over her, recognizing her as the Hokage's granddaughter. This made Ruka feel uneasy, and she hid behind Asuma. "I don't like it."

"Don't worry, Ruka. I'm here," Asuma whispered to her as they reached the academy. They stood in front of the classroom door. Ruka felt a sense of dizziness, but Asuma crouched down and pulled her into a hug, knowing it would calm her down. "You'll be okay. You'll find Kiba in there."

They pulled away, and as Asuma knocked on the door, Ruka clung to his shirt. "Come in," a voice from inside said. Asuma opened the door and entered, with Ruka following closely behind.

"Asuma?" a tall male spoke, surprise evident in his voice. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm dropping off my niece, Iruka," explained Asuma.


"Settle down, Kiba," Iruka said to the Inuzuka. "Where is she?"

Ruka stood beside her uncle and gazed at her new sensei's face. He smiled at her, causing her to blush. "This is Iruka," Asuma introduced the young chunin. "He'll be your sensei in the academy."

Ruka stared at the scar on his nose and then into his dark eyes, which she found captivating. They reminded her of the silver jonin she once knew. "Hello," she whispered, her blush becoming noticeable.

Asuma frowned, concerned by her reaction. It wasn't the first time he had seen her blush; she blushed when she first met his old classmate, Kakashi, until her heart was broken by him.

Ruka let go of Asuma's hand and quickly pushed him out of her classroom before he could say goodbye, shutting the door in his face. Asuma stood there, surprised by her actions, and stared at the closed door in disappointment.Ruka looked around the classroom, scanning everyone's faces. 

The boys puffed out their chests, trying to impress her, but she ignored them until she spotted her best friend, Kiba, smiling at her, his fang showing. The princess's face brightened up, and she headed towards him with a smile, ignoring the other boys.

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