|I{•------» [21] «------•}I|

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Ruka's smile faded as she and her teammates wandered onto the second floor. Her gaze fell on the plainly obvious genjutsu plastered across the door frame.

"Please, let us through," begged the girl with hair buns, but she was not spared and fell to the floor, causing Ruka's eyes to harden.

"A Chunin is the commander of a squad," added the boy. "It's the commander's responsibility for failing any missions and the death of their subordinates... and to think these kids are trying too."

Ruka walked towards them with her teammates following her. "That's a nice speech, but we don't care. We want to go to the third level, so please undo this genjutsu field you've created."

"Oh?" the guy mocked. "You noticed that, Lady Ruka?"

Soon, the illusion was reversed into its original form. The sign on the door turned back to its correct number, which was '201'. "You're pretty good," the guy said. "But just being able to detect it isn't enough." He tried to kick Ruka, but Sasuke beat him by performing the same attack. They were then stopped by the boy with the bowl haircut.

Ruka's blue eyes widened at the sight of the male and instantly made a move to step away from him, just as another voice filled the air. "You idiot, you said that we shouldn't draw attention to ourselves."

Ruka stared at the Hyuga in intrigue. 'He's good-looking.'

"But..." The bowl haircut boy looked at Ruka, who was busy staring at the male Hyuga, and blushed. "My name is Rock Lee."

Ruka blinked in surprise before focusing on the guy in front of her. "Huh?"

Lee dramatically swooped down to place a kiss on the back of her hand. Resisting the urge to shake him off, he straightened up to give her a big thumbs up with his free hand. "Lady Ruka, please be my lover!" Lee exclaimed with a bright grin, his hold on her hand tightening ever so slightly as he pulled her closer to him. "I vow to protect you with my life!"

Ruka blinked again, her eyes filled with confusion. "I... I..." She was at a loss for words as she glanced at the guy behind Lee's back, who stared back at her.

'Why does she keep staring at me?' Neji's intent gaze flickered towards her, causing her to cover her face shyly. "Oh no."

Her teammates looked at her in confusion. Usually, she would be very blunt, but for some reason, they saw her being distracted. Sakura realized that Ruka was staring at the guy behind her. "Sorry, Ruka is interested in someone else."

Ruka quickly looked away from Neji and smiled shyly. "Uh... yeah... Yeah!"

Lee's smile fell as he backed away from her in a solemn mood. "I understand, but I will still protect you!"

"Oh... oh, right."

"How old are you?" Neji's eyes focused on the raven-haired boy across from him and asked. Sasuke replied nonchalantly, "I'm not obligated to answer that."

"What?!" Neji frowned at the raven-haired male, a look of disapproval so blatant upon his features.



"My name is Rock Lee, and I challenge you!"

Ruka stared at him as he took a fighting stance. "Everyone is always talking about the Uchiha Clan and how great they are. I want to see if it's true. I figured you'd be a good test for me, and also..." He paused and shifted his

gaze to Ruka, who instantly knew what he was going to do.

"I love you, Ruka Sarutobi," Lee confessed, which caused Ruka to grimace. "W-what!"

The brunette beauty blinked dumbfoundedly as Sakura let out a high-pitched shriek and started gagging. Was Lee being serious, though?

"Please be my Ruka Lee." Lee shut his left eye in a far too smooth wink and sent a flying kiss her way, which she managed to dodge. "You're an angel sent from heaven, Ruka Lee," he said, which caused Ruka to snap at him, "Stop calling me that!"

Rock Lee ignored her as he continued to blow kisses at her. "Mwah!"

Ruka continued to dodge his kisses, which only motivated him more. "Very nice, how about this?"

He winked both of his eyes, left... right... left... right repeatedly while blowing her kisses, and Ruka quickly gathered her chakra. She threw both of her hands out, forming hearts, and a blue fire came out, melting all of the hearts, which left Lee pouting. "You didn't have to melt them..."

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