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The tower wasn't everything it was hyped up to be, at least not in a way that made Sakura feel like all they had been through was worth it. However, she couldn't deny the overwhelming sense of relief that washed over her at the sight of it.

"Ruka! We did it! We're here!" Sakura exclaimed, appearing suddenly and grabbing hold of Ruka's hands. The heiress blinked in momentary confusion but didn't try to shake off Sakura's grip or question her comfort around her. She had grown accustomed to Sakura's presence and found solace in it.

For a brief moment, there was silence as Ruka studied Sakura with her blue eyes. Then, she offered one of her comforting smiles, the kind that everyone had mentioned as truly beautiful. Sakura finally understood what they meant.

"What are you all standing around for? We have to go through those doors, ya know!" Naruto's voice cut through the moment, and he shoved past Sakura, causing her to spin in a circle and glare at him.

They entered the tower, following Naruto inside, but what they found was not a grand interior that matched the slightly shabby exterior. It was clear that nobody was present.

"Hey, look at this!" Sakura called out, approaching the front of the room. Her eyes scanned the large scroll on the old wall, reading the written words aloud. "If qualities of Earth are what you lack, train your body and prepare to attack. If Earth and heaven are opened together, the pairless path will become righteous forever. This something is the secret way that guides us from this place today."

"What the hell does that mean?" Naruto wondered aloud.

"It means many things," Ruka chimed in as she joined them. "One of those things is that this is where we're supposed to open those scrolls of ours."

At the mention of the scrolls, Naruto and Sasuke pulled out their scrolls from their weapon pouches. As they began to unravel them, smoke started pouring out, enveloping the room in a thick cloud. It lasted for a moment before dissipating, revealing a familiar figure that caused Sakura to freeze in disbelief.


"Long time no see," Iruka greeted them warmly, his gaze filled with concern as he observed their state. "Seems like you've been through a lot in this test."

"What do you say, Ruka?" Iruka called out to her, and she hummed in response, showing her full attention as always. "Was the exam everything you hoped it would be?"

Ruka pursed her lips and glanced at Sasuke, specifically at the mark on his neck. "Sure."


"My granddaughter, did she make it out of the forest?"

The question hung in the air, striking fear into the hearts of the Leaf Shinobi gathered in the room. The mere thought of harm befalling the heiress was enough to make their hearts race. Ruka was the beacon of Konoha and the village's legacy, and hurting her was a line that should never be crossed.

The room fell into a deathly silence until the sound of the door swinging open and hurried footsteps broke it. Three Chunin rushed in, bowing hastily to the Hokage. "We have confirmed that twenty-one teams have passed the second test. In accordance with the rules, for the first time in five years, we will start the preparations for the preliminary before the third test."

"And is my granddaughter among those who made it out?" Hiruzen questioned loudly, causing the Chunin to blink in surprise. Their eyes darted around uncertainly. "Umino Iruka greeted Princess Ruka and her team just a short while ago."

After a moment, the Hokage released the Chun

in from his gaze and turned to face Anko, who kept her eyes lowered to the floor. "Anko, as you know, my granddaughter is unpredictable, and no one knows how she'll react in any situation."

"But I have a feeling that she knows," he continued, his eyes darkening with concern. He hoped that Ruka would never have to bear the cursed mark like she had before. "Let us go greet the Genin. Afterward, bring my granddaughter to me."

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