|I{•------» [9] «------•}I|

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"This is Sasuke, arrived at point B."

"This is Sakura, arrived at point C."

This is Ruka, arrived at point D."


Ruka frowned at the silence "Naruto?"

"This is Naruto, arrived at point A."

Here's the proofread version:

"You're slow, Naruto," Kakashi sighed. "Okay, Team Seven. The target has moved, follow it."

The four genin did as they were told and went after the target, hiding behind trees with their eyes fixed on it.

"Over there," Naruto whispered, catching sight of the target.

"What's your distance from the target?" Kakashi asked.

"5 meters," Naruto informed him. "I'm ready to go, just give the signal."

"I'm ready too," Sasuke chimed in.

"Me too," Ruka added.

"As am I," Sakura said, joining the conversation.

"Okay..." Kakashi trailed off. "Now!"

The four of them began to run towards the target. Naruto reached it first and grabbed it, while the rest of the team appeared beside him. The cat struggled to free itself from Naruto's grasp until he threw it to Ruka, who managed to catch it.

"Naruto, can you verify the red ribbon on its right ear?" Kakashi inquired.

"It's the target for sure," Sasuke said flatly, glancing at the cat as it began to scratch Ruka's face.

"Okay," said Kakashi. "Operation Capture Tora the Lost Pet, complete."


After completing their first mission to capture a lost pet cat, Team Seven stood in front of the Hokage's desk, awaiting their next mission assignment.

"Now then, Team 7's next mission," Hiruzen spoke up. "We have several available tasks, including babysitting, shopping, and digging up potatoes-"

"No!" Naruto interrupted, yelling at the Hokage. "I want to go on a real mission, something exciting and challenging, not this little kid's stuff. Come on, old man!" He crossed his arms in front of his chest, showing his frustration.

"Can't argue with that," Ruka agreed, giving her grandfather a pointed look.

"IDIOT!" Iruka scolded, reprimanding Naruto. "You're still a novice ninja! Everyone needs to start with easy missions to gain experience!"

"But I'm not," Ruka mumbled, feeling a bit left out.

"We've only been doing dumb missions lately!" Naruto argued, punching Kakashi on the head and causing him to fall down. "Cut it out."

"Naruto," Hiruzen said sternly. "It looks like I need to explain to you what missions are..." Ruka began to tune out as she stared dreamily at Iruka, while her grandfather started his long lecture about missions with Naruto rambling about eating his ramen to his teammates. "LISTEN!"

"Sorry," Kakashi apologized, and Ruka walked up to her grandfather. "With all due respect, Grandfather, there's a reason why you put all of us together, especially with that closet pervert over there." Ruka gestured to Kakashi, who rubbed the back of his head. "I think we're capable of handling real missions now..." Naruto nodded in agreement.

"Plus..." Ruka trailed off, "I could put myself in a situation where I get kidnapped as the Hokage's granddaughter, and then you have no choice but to assign them to retrieve me." Ruka smiled innocently at them, causing everyone to stare at her with sweat dropping. 'She would really do anything to have real missions,' Kakashi thought.

'Ruka... I knew you would be too stubborn,' the Hokage thought, trailing off. "Okay." Her grandfather gave in to her easily, which caused her to high-five Naruto in triumph. "I will allow you to take on a C

-rank mission. You'll be escorting someone on a journey."

"Really? Who?" Naruto asked excitedly. "A feudal lord? A princess?"

"Why would you need to escort a princess when there's a princess here?" Kakashi asked teasingly, prompting Ruka to glare at him. "And yet you didn't give a princess any respect."

"Right, my bad, Princess," Kakashi said sarcastically. Hiruzen gave his granddaughter a stern look before she could throw herself at the jōnin.

The door opened, and an old man with a bottle stepped in, causing Ruka to scrunch her nose in disgust at the smell of sake filling the room. "Really?"

"What? A bunch of kids?" the old man said in disbelief. "Is the smallest one there with the idiotic face really a ninja?"

"Who's the smallest one with the idiotic face?" Naruto laughed, as Sasuke and Ruka stepped closer, with Sakura following, revealing that he was the shortest. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

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