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Over the next few weeks, they worked diligently on rebuilding the wall and the structures that had been damaged. Ruka's wood style, inherited from her great grandfather, proved to be invaluable in the restoration efforts. Despite the physical strain, she found solace in the work, using it as a distraction from the emotional turmoil she had been experiencing. Asuma, never one to leave her side, constantly kept watch over her, which often irritated her.

After almost a month had passed, a new Hokage, brought by Jiraiya and Rokuro, finally took charge. Ruka was well aware of who it was, but she had been actively avoiding her aunt, Tsunade. Every time she sensed Tsunade approaching, she would find a way to escape.

One day, Kakashi approached her, commenting on how busy she had been. He reminded her that she should be at home healing. Ruka brushed him off, stating that she was already healed. Kakashi sighed in disapproval before informing her that Lady Tsunade wanted to speak with her.

"Tell her I'm busy," Ruka retorted, her annoyance evident. "And if she brings any bad news, I'll chidori you."

Kakashi watched her walk away, a smile playing on his lips. He knew Ruka's stubbornness all too well.

Reluctantly, Ruka found herself standing outside Tsunade's office, mustering the courage to knock on the door. Shikamaru was already there, seemingly as surprised as she was. Tsunade's gaze held a mix of surprise and regret as she looked at her niece, seeing the resemblance to her grandmother and realizing how much she had missed in Ruka's life.

Tsunade began explaining the reason they were summoned. She mentioned the high praise Ruka and Shikamaru had received from their senseis and fellow shinobi, as well as a plan left behind by the Third Hokage. Taking a deep breath, Tsunade declared that Ruka and Shikamaru were both promoted to Chunin.

The room fell into stunned silence as Ruka and Shikamaru exchanged surprised looks. Shikamaru spoke up, mentioning his forfeit in the exams and his absence from the final rounds.

Tsunade gave Ruka a sympathetic smile before admitting that the official record only reflected what the Third Hokage had written. However, she had personally investigated and found that both Ruka and Shikamaru deserved the title.

As Shizune entered the room, carrying a pig in her arms, Ruka furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Shizune placed the pig down and handed Ruka and Shikamaru their Chunin vests. Ruka hesitated, staring at the vest uncertainly.

Tsunade dismissed Shikamaru but kept Ruka in the room, sensing something amiss. Confused, she asked Ruka what was wrong.

"Why me?" Ruka demanded, her glare fixed on Tsunade. "If this is your way of making up to me, I don't need this. I can earn this title by myself."

Tsunade responded firmly, assuring Ruka that this promotion was not about making amends. She explained that she had heard from Kakashi about Ruka's dedication and leadership during their missions, how she had protected her teammates during the exams. Tsunade added that Ruka's grandfather had said similar things.

Ruka fell silent, contemplating Tsunade's words. She turned around, ready to walk away, but Tsunade called out to her, urging her to let her know if there was anything she could do to make amends.

Ruka's voice quivered with a mix of anger and hurt. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to hold back the flood of emotions welling up inside her. Turning around to face Tsunade, she spoke with a trembling voice, "You can't fix what's broken, Aunt Tsunade. The past is the past, and I've moved on."

Tsunade watched her niece, her eyes filled with regret. "Ruka, I know I can't change what happened, but I want you to know that I deeply regret not being there for you. I wish I had been a better aunt to you."

Ruka's expression softened slightly, her gaze meeting Tsunade's. "It's too late for that now," she said, her voice softer but still laced with pain. "I've learned to rely on myself and not expect anything from others."

Tsunade's shoulders slumped, her voice tinged with sorrow. "I understand how you feel, but I want you to know that I'm proud of the person you've become. You've shown incredible strength and resilience. Becoming a Chunin is a recognition of your abilities and achievements."

Ruka stared at Tsunade, her eyes searching for any hint of insincerity. After a moment of silence, she sighed deeply. "Fine," she relented, her voice weary. "I'll accept the title, but don't think it changes anything between us."

Tsunade nodded, understanding the underlying message. "I won't force anything on you, Ruka. Just know that I'm here if you ever need me."

Ruka turned and left the office, the weight of her emotions still heavy on her shoulders. As she walked away, she couldn't help but feel a mix of conflicting emotions. She was proud of her accomplishments, but at the same time, she couldn't shake off the feeling that her new title was a reminder of the fractured relationship with her family.

Outside, Shikamaru was waiting for her, his hands stuffed in his pockets. He looked at her with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "What did she say?"

Ruka didn't meet his gaze, her eyes fixed on the ground. "She did made me a Chunin," she replied flatly.

Shikamaru raised an eyebrow in surprise. "You? But you forfeited the exams, didn't you?"

Ruka nodded, a bitter smile tugging at her lips. "Apparently, my grandfather had other plans."

Shikamaru sighed, his voice filled with understanding. "Well, I guess congratulations are in order, even if it wasn't what you wanted."

Ruka glanced at him, a flicker of gratitude in her eyes. "Thanks, Shikamaru."

As they walked back to their friends, Ruka couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness. The title of Chunin didn't fill the void she felt inside, and the rift between her and Tsunade remained. 

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