|I{•------» [35] «------•}I|

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Ruka cried out in anguished silence, her suffering evident in the wretched sounds that filled the air. "Ruka!" Asuma shouted as he and the Third Hokage burst through the door, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of the sobbing girl in Kakashi's arms.

Asuma rushed forward, eager to reach Ruka, but Kakashi impatiently shoved him aside, placing her gently on the couch. The torment of her pain echoed once more as she clutched her stomach and clawed at her throat. Her closed eyelids revealed the tears streaming down her face.

"Ruka!" Asuma exclaimed, shock and horror washing over him as he knelt by her side, alongside Kakashi. "Ruka, sweetheart, talk to me. Where does it hurt? Please, open your eyes."

But her anguished cries continued unabated, even as Asuma held her hand tightly. She squeezed his hand with all her might, sobbing uncontrollably.

"What's happening to her?" Asuma repeated, his voice filled with desperation, as he felt a hand grip his shoulder. He looked up and saw the tired face of his father, gazing at the suffering girl with an expression that offered no comfort.

Hiruzen stared down at Ruka, and then slowly turned his gaze to meet his son's. It was at that moment that Asuma realized why his father wore such an expression.

Hiruzen was afraid, and that was a sight that chilled Asuma to his core when it came to Ruka's condition.

"She's dying," Hiruzen stated, and Asuma struggled to comprehend the weight of those words. His mind seemed incapable of forming any coherent thoughts beyond registering his shock.

He shook his head in denial, refusing to accept the truth. "No, what the hell are you saying? She was fine—"

"No, she wasn't," Kakashi interjected, his eye fixed on Ruka. "Her seal was tampered with in the forest. She endured it well, but it has run its course. She's fading away from the inside."

"You can do something," Asuma pleaded, his grip tightening on Ruka's small hand as he turned to his father with desperation consuming him. "You have to do something!"

Asuma had reached a point of desperation where he would do anything to save his daughter, even if it meant locking her away to protect her from further pain.

Hiruzen knelt beside them, pushing up the sleeves of his uniform before carefully lifting Ruka's shirt to reveal her stomach. He held up a hand, glowing with blue-ish chakra. "If we're not too late, this should work," he said before forcefully pressing his chakra-lit fingertips into her stomach.

"Could you be more gentle?" Asuma snapped sarcastically at his father, but his worry shifted to panic when Ruka slumped lifelessly on the couch.

"Ruka?!" Asuma gasped, lunging forward to check for a pulse, relieved when he found one. "Thank god..."

Hiruzen slowly rose, using the couch for support. "She needs rest. Her body and the cat know best. Under their guidance, she will recover."

Kakashi sighed in relief, his masked face briefly falling into his hands as he thanked whatever forces had allowed them the time they needed.

"You said her seal was tampered with," Asuma broke the silence, his gaze shifting from his daughter to his friend before turning to his father. "How would anyone know how to do that? And why... why does it seem like neither of you is surprised by this outcome?"

Hiruzen's gaze drifted past his son to the sight he had hoped to

never witness. Ruka appeared lifeless to the world, a heartbreaking sight, even though he knew she was merely unconscious. "Ruka and her team encountered a former student of mine during the second test. We suspected he tampered with the seal."

"If we hadn't let our differences cloud our judgment, Ruka might have told me about this. But I let my emotions get the best of me, pushing an already stubborn child to keep this to herself."

Asuma scoffed in disbelief. "After what you promised me all those years, I want you to look at Ruka and tell me you still think this is for the best."

With the concerned gaze of a grandfather, Hiruzen observed Ruka's motionless form. "I still believe the decision I made was in her best interest. This is the result of an experiment done to see how long she could endure being cut off from her chakra and life force."

"Are you out of your mind?!" Asuma snapped, unable to contain his anger. "I can't believe how calm you are right now. She doesn't deserve to be in this situation!"

Asuma's frustration gave way to a defeated calm. "I'm taking her to the hospital. The medics can examine her and find the source of her pain—"

"They won't be able to help," the Hokage interrupted, shaking his head wearily. "What she needs now is rest, and lots of it. Take her home. Being in a familiar environment, in her own space, might help her heal faster."

"I'll help," Kakashi offered, already moving to assist, but Asuma quickly pushed him away. "No."

Kakashi paused, looking at Asuma with surprise and confusion as he shielded Ruka from his friend. With trembling hands, Asuma gently brushed away the strands of hair clinging to her tear-stained face. "From now on, I'll be the one protecting her, even if it means locking her away. Because all you two do is cause her pain."

With a clench of his jaw, Asuma carefully lifted Ruka into his arms. "Come on, let's get you home." Without sparing another glance at the others, he walked toward the door, determined to bring her to the safety of her own sanctuary.




Me with daddy issues crying over how protective Asuma is towards Ruka.  Throughout this book, you guys will be able to see how the development of Asuma as a father figure towards Ruka and hopefully you will be able to understand the bond of Ruka and Asuma. 

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