Chapter Eleven

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A few days later in Oakland

Vanna's sister scurried into the bar. It was pretty abandoned - being as it was barely noon. But she didn't want anyone to see her. She was more than a little afraid the Sons would find out that she was selling secrets but hopefully the buyers would be giving her enough money that she could get the hell out of Northern Cali.

"Hello Melissa." A burly tattooed man wearing a denim kutte greeted her.

"It's Lisa, how the hell do you know my real name?" She asked suddenly afraid. She hadn't told anyone in California her full name.

"Research my dear. Sit down you have absolutely nothing to be afraid of." The man promised.

Reluctantly she sat down across from him at the table.

"Now I hear you have some information about the Sons of Anarchy, I would be willing to pay you a handsome amount of money if you would share that information with me."


Later the same day...

"No way! No way in hell!" Kozik practically growled. He rarely went against Jax but this? He couldn't be on board with this.

"I hate to say it but I agree with the hedgehog." Tig chimed in.

Jax had suggested they use Vanna as bait for her sister.

"It won't work anyway. They haven't spoken for months. Lisa hates Vanna." Kozik explained.

"Lisa is still her sister. I don't like using girls for bait but its worth a shot. Just have Vanna reach out to her. If she doesn't respond we move on." Opie said.

Kozik still didn't like it, he didn't want Vanna anywhere near her sister or this situation.

"Okay." He agreed reluctantly.
"Meanwhile we'll keep trying to find another way to get in touch with her, Juice you're tracking her right?" Jax asked.

"Yeah I'm stalking her on social media and via her bank card. I know just about every move she makes." He replied.

"Good. Everyone just keep your eyes and ears open alright we've gotta put a stop to this before it gets out of hand."
Jax banged the gavel and everyone dispersed from the chapel.

Vanna was sitting on a couch nervously chewing her fingernails.
She jumped up when she saw Kozik and Tig headed her way.

"We need you to try and contact your sister anyway you know how." Kozik told her.

"It's really important doll." Tig said softly.

"I know. I - I have a plan and you're not gonna like it but I think I can get through to her." Vanna told them. She had been thinking of how to get her sister's attention the entire time they were in church and she had a plan but it wasn't pretty and it involve a lot of lying on her part.

"Let's go get something to eat and you can tell me about it." Kozik said taking her hand.

"I'm coming too." Tig said following them out the door.

Kozik started I question why Trager needed to follow them but Vanna stopped him.

"Let him come he's gonna have to help me." Kozik gave her a look.

"I told you, you're not going to like this plan."

The trio was sitting at a corner booth at Hanna's moments later, they ordered food and drinks and then ate in awkward silence.

"Okay spill it doll what's the plan?" Tig spoke up first the suspense was killing him.

"The whole fight I had with Lisa was caused by her jealousy. She told me that in the end Kozik would leave me and I would be heartbroken. If I call her and tell her that's just what happened and pretend to go crawling back because I need her then she will have to tell me where she is - her ego won't be able to pass up an 'I told you so' like this." Vanna explained.
She was right, Kozik hated the plan she had came up with - he had to admit it was genius but he still hated it.
"Okay but where does Trager come in?" Kozik questioned.

"Well my plan is once I get a hold of her and tell her my sob story I'll beg her for a place to stay - because obviously if we're split up I can't stay with you. She knows how close I am to Tig so I'll either lure her to his house or he can be the one to take me to her. So I'm covered by a Son but it won't spook her or anything."

"I don't like it." Kozik told her, the thought of even pretending not to be around Vanna killed him. He also didn't really relish the idea of her going into this without him. He trusted Tig with her life but it was still hard for him to let go.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked taking her hand in his.


"Okay I'll call Jax and if he approves we'll put this into motion."

Tig had to admit he liked the idea of them breaking up even if it was just a lie. He had to hide his grin as Kozik phoned Jax.


Sorry this is short! Just building the storyline for what's coming next :)

Any thoughts? I love reading your comments and hearing what you guys think!! Talk to me?
Do you think Lisa will fall for it? Who is the burly biker buying secrets from her?!

Thoughts? Questions? Ideas!?

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