Chapter Five

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After they were both healed from the accident Kozik and Vanna's physical relationship went from almost nonexistent to hot and heavy. The whole near death experience put a lot of things in perspective for the both of them. However the rest of the club was more than a little worried about Tig's homecoming.

"He's gonna flip the fuck out." Gemma said knowlingly.

"He'll get over it." Kozik shrugged it off. He had almost lost Vanna once and he wasn't going to loose her again, not over something as ridiculous as his long standing beef with Tig Trager.

"I think we need to tell him before he gets out of jail." Opie suggested.

"What the hell? Why would we do that!?" Vanna spoke up.

"Because Tiggy is gonna loose his shit and the carnage will be a lot smaller if he does so in a controlled environment. If we wait till he gets home he's going to be a loose cannon in here.' Gemma explained.

Vanna wasn't so sure. She had wanted to tell Tig herself, so she could explain the way she felt about Kozik. She was hoping that if she was the one doing the talking she could get him to understand and not go on a killing spree.

"I just don't want him to hate me. Maybe I should go and tell him."

There was a chorus of no's from everyone around her.

"Tig doesn't want you anywhere near the prison. He made that clear when he went inside." Opie told her sternly.

"I don't want you there either." Kozik added.

"I've been hinting around in my letters that I'm seeing someone." Vanna told them.

"This isn't the kind of thing you can put in a letter sweetheart. Does he know about the accident yet?" Gemma asked pointedly.

"No." Vanna had been dragging her feet about telling Tig about the accident she'd had with Kozik. She had no idea how to explain that without spilling the beans about her relationship with the man he hated.

"Jax needs to tell him. We need to tell Jax everything and then he can tell Tig before they come home." Opie was right. Tig needed to know and he needed to know before he was released so that maybe he would have time to work through it.

"Okay." Vanna was nervous. She couldn't handle the thought of Tig being upset with her.

"I'll tell him when I go up there tomorrow." Kozik said sliding his arm around Vanna, he could tell she wasn't sure about this whole situation.
"No, I think you better sit this one out. We don't need him attacking you and getting extra time.
"I'm going up there now to put money in everyone's accounts for the last time. I'll do it." Gemma said grabbing her purse.

Vanna and Kozik nodded.


"Hey ma!" Jax greeted his mother with a hopeful smile.
"Hey baby." Gemma smiled back but she was worried

"What is it?" Jax could tell something was up by her body language.

Gemma sighed.

"You know that girl that Tig took a liking too?"
"Vanna? What about her is she okay?" Jax questioned.

"She's fine, she was in a motorcycle accident but she's okay now."

"Okay what is it then?" Jax was confused.

"Well, she's kinda with Kozik." Gemma explained.

Jax groaned. He knew this was going up be bad.

"Define with."

"She's his old lady, might as well be anyway. They're living together." Gemma told him.

"Was he driving the bike in the accident?" Jax rubbed his head. This was going to be worse than bad. Tig loved Vanna like a daughter and he hated Kozik.

Gemma nodded.


"Yeah, we all figured that Tiggy needs to now instead of later."

"Fuck it's gonna be a long night." Jax sighed.

"She what? Is she okay?" Tig was pacing around the yard after learning that Vanna had been in an accident.
"Just bruised up she'll be fine." Jax promised.

"Wait, why was she on a motorcycle in the first place?" Tig was confused.

"She was riding with her boyfriend." Jax told him slowly.

"Boyfriend? Tig thought for a moment, Vanna had been doing a lot of hinting lately in her letters about seeing someone, but she never called him a boyfriend.

Then all of the pieces of the puzzle started to come together.
Vanna was seeing Kozik.
"That bastard!!!" Tig growled.

All he could see was red.

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