Chapter Four

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The force of the crash took his breath away but as soon as he regained his bearings. Kozik jumped up and yelled for Vanna. But he didn't see her.

"Vanna!?" He saw his bike laying across the road. It seemed like to took forever to spot her. His heart stopped when he saw her body laying there.

He ran to her and kneeled infront of her. His mind was racing. All he could think about was loosing her.

"Are you okay?" A voice asked but Kozik didn't pay them any mind.

"Vanna baby, you have to be okay! I'm so sorry please." He begged. She was bleeding. Kozik tucked a strand of her hair behid her ear. Her eyes fluttered for a second and he watched her chest rise and fall.

"She's breathing!" He said outloud more to himself than anything.

Everything happening around him was a blur. A passerby had called 911 and when they arrived despite his insisting that he was fine they forced him into an ambulance.

"Kozik?" A familar voice finally reached him as he fought the paramedics.

"Unser! Call Opie. Vanna's hurt!" He called to the retired cheif.

"Are you alright? Where is she?" He asked

"The girl is in the other ambulance." One of the paramedics answered.

"I'll call Opie don't worry!" Unser promised as they closed the doors to the ambulance.

Vanna woke up to yelling. She tried to lift her head but she felt kind of fuzzy. Everything was too bright, something was wrong.

"Dammit let me in!" She could here a familiar voice yelling in the distance. "I want to see Vanna!".

Then it all came back to her. The rain, Kozik yelling her name, the bike going down. She started to panic was Kozik okay?

"Kozik?" She yelled, frantically trying to sit up.

"She's calling me! I hear her. Get out of my way. Vanna!?" He called back.

Kozik pushed past nurses and orderlies before he finally found her.

"You can't be in here! It's family only!" A doctor barked.
"He's the only family I have." Vanna said. She could feel hot tears running down her cheeks.

"Are you okay?" He asked when he got to her. He touched her face gingerly. She was all bandaged up.

"I don't know." she answered looking to the doctor for answers. He had a very annoyed look on his face.

"You have a few broken ribs but no internal bleeding, seven stitches and a lot of bruises. You have a nasty concussion so we'll be keeping you for 24 hours but you should be fine. The helmet likely saved your life." He told her refusing to look at Kozik. He quickly excused himself and left the room.

"I'm so sorry." Kozik said taking Vanna's hand in his.

"For what?" Vanna was confused.

"The fight over dinner." Kozik answered.
"I was so hateful with you."

"It's fine. I forgot about it. But that could've just been the concussion." Vanna joked.

He squeezed her hand tightly.

"I love you Savanna Caudill. I thought I lost you tonight and it scared the shit out of me.". He told her.

Vanna felt herself tear up a little.

"You can't get rid of me that easily. You're stuck with me Herman Kozik." she grinned.

Kozik stayed with her all night, he slept in a chair by her hospital bed. He was exhausted the next morning.

They wouldn't release Vanna until she had been 'observed' for a full 24 hours. So it was after 10 o'clock when they finally got home.

Kozik got Vanna settled in his bed. She was exhausted, they woke her up every hour in the hospital because of her concussion.
"Night love." Kozik said heading for the door.
"Wait, where are you going?" Vanna asked.

"I'm gonna take your bed." Vanna had been sleeping in the extra room on the futon. But there's no way she could sleep in there with her ribs.

"Oh." Vanna sounded sad.

"Do you want me to sleep in here?" Kozik asked.

"Yeah. I mean well it's your bed." She blushed a little.

He grinned and pulled his shirt off before climbing into bed with her.

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