Chapter Three

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Even though Vanna was 'free game' because no one had claimed her, she and Kozik had been taking their relationship super slow out of respect for Tig. However both of them found it hard to stay hands off when they were living together. Kozik might have insisted on sleeping on the couch, but the apartment was super small and seeing each other half-naked was driving them crazy.

In the months before they lived together Kozik and Vanna hadn't done anything more than hold hands, and hug.

"Hay Koz, can you give-" Vanna walked into the room just has Kozik pulled his t-shirt over his head and she forgot how to form sentences.
"Give you what hun?" He asked not paying attention to the fact that the girls jaw was laying on his floor.
"Uh... Uhm." She fumbled over her words. "A ride." He looked up at her and smirked.

Vanna's face blushed red.
"To work, a ride to work." She said quickly.

"I'll give you a ride anywhere you want." He winked at her.

Vanna his her face in her hands. She was such a spazz sometimes.

"You're cute when you're embarrassed." He told her.

Vanna wrinkled her nose.

"I'm glad you think I'm cute. Like a puppy."

Kozik looked at her seriously,
"Oh I think you're more than cute."

The next thing Vanna knew Kozik had his arms around her pulling her into his sculpted bare chest.

She looked up at him trying to keep her breathing steady.

Kozik smirked again and covered her lips with his, his hands traveled up her back as she kissed him back.

It took every ounce of self control that either of them had to pull away.

"I think we should get me to work." Vanna said quickly.
"That would be s good idea." Kozik replied grabbing a clean tshirt and his keys.

Vanna climbed off Kozik's Harley and took off her helmet and placing it in one of the saddlebags on the side of the bike.
"Thanks. Can you pick me up at 8?"
"Of course."

Vanna turned to walk inside the grocery store where she worked, but Kozik grabbed her hand and pulled her back to him, he grinned at her for a moment before he pressed his lips to hers.

Vanna was so caught off guard by the kiss that she couldn't even kiss him back. It was all she thought about all day.

"Your mans here shug." Regina the night manager told her. Vanna smiled as she looked up to see Kozik parking his bike.

"Girl you better be on birth control." Maddison, one of her coworkers laughed.

"No, it's not like that." Vanna said quickly. Everyone looked at her strangley. The didn't know about the whole Tig thing and they wouldn't understand. "We're taking things slow" she added quickly.

"Slow? He's been picking you up from work for like a damn year now!" Regina rolled her eyes.

"He's screwing someone else." Maddison cracked her gum and smiked.

"He is not!" Vanna snapped.

"Whatever everyone knows those guys are getting a ton of action. Just look at all the skanks that hang out at their clubhouse." Maddison raised her eyebrows at Vanna.

"I'm not talking about this with you." Vanna stormed out the door.

"Why is your face so red?" Kozik asked trying not to smile. He could tell from the way they were all acting that Vanna's coworkers had been teasing her about him.

"I'm fine." she lied, her face was even redder now. Kozik chuckled and handed her a helmet.

"Wanna stop for dinner?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm in the mood for pizza." Vanna replied. Pizza always made her feel better.

Maddison's words echoed in Vanna's head all through dinner. Thinking about Kozik being with another girl made her insane.

"Whats the deal Van? You're in another world." Kozik waved his hand infront of her face.

"Are you fucking other girls at the clubhouse?" She blurted out the questions before she realized what she was doing.

"What the hell? NO. Why would I do that?" Kozik was taken aback by her sudden brashness.

"Well you're sure as hell not sleeping with me." Vanna mumbled under her breath.

Kozik narrowed his eyes at her.

"Do you not remember the agreement we made when I handed you that bracelet or do you just not trust me?"

Vanna fiddled with the bracelet on her left wrist. It was a peice of with 'kozik' stamped onto it. He had given it to her when he asked her to be his old lady, they of course wanted to wait for Tig's homecoming to make it official. Not that they expected him to give his blessing or anything. But they were gonna try and do this the right way. But Kozik wanted to give her something to remind her of their promise to be loyal.

"I'm sorry. The girls at work were just talking about how the guys in the club are and I -" Kozik cut her off before she could finish.

"Have those bitches you work with ever even been around the club? They don't know shit Vanna. You're the one whose around us. You should know better. Why the fuck are you letting people get in your head?" Kozik was pissed now. He didn't like it when people assumed things about the Sons, and he really didn't like it when people filled his girl's head with bullshit.

"I'm not! I trust you! I do I just worry sometimes okay! Sometimes my imagination runs away with me and I can't fucking help it" Vanna snapped suddenly she was angry again. He had no right to snap at her when she was trying to apologize to him.

Kozik opened his mouth to respond but the waiter returned with their check.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, they had never had a real fight before and it wasn't over but neither of them wanted to cause a scene in public.

"Just take me home" Vanna said standing up.

Vanna held onto Kozik tightly as they made their way home. He loved the way it felt when she pressed her body into his. Sometimes he took curves a little faster than he should because she would squeal a little and press herself into him then she would laugh.

But tonight he was riding faster because he was angry. He should've took a minute to clear his head before he let Vanna get on the bike but he hadn't. It had started to drizzle the rain as they left the resturaunt and he wanted to get her home before the rain started in hard.

It happened in slow motion for Kozik. He turned down their street a little too fast and lost traction on the wet road.

"Vanna!" He yelled trying to grab her before she hit the pavement. But it was no use they hit the pavement and rolled, his bike skidded across the road.

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