Chapter Two

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"I love my sister I really do but sometimes she a huge bitch." Vanna complained to Kozik.

He busted out laughing when she said 'bitch'. He had only known Vanna a few days but he could tell by the way she said it that she didn't normally use a lot of profanity, which was cute.

"Why are you laughing?!" Vanna was confused.

"It's funny to hear you tossing out words like bitch."

Vanna rolled her eyes.

"Well bitch is synonymous with Lisa Caudill, I'm pretty sure if you looked it up in the dictionary her picture would be right beside it." She told him with a smirk.

Kozik threw his head back laughing. Vanna was kind of adorable when she was angry. He was really glad when she called him. They were sitting on a picnic table the local park.

"Whats her problem?" He asked her.

Vanna sighed.

"She's bitter about a lot of things. We didn't exactly have a dream family or anything - I mean it could've been a lot of worse but it could've been better too if you know what I mean." She explained. "Our dad was never really in the picture, and my mom was flakey. She was either all in, and the world's best mom or she was strung out and a million miles away. It just depending on her mood. So our oldest sister Miranda spent a lot of time being 'mom'.
"But when she was 18 she got a full ride to college and left us. Lisa took it hard, she also had to pick up the slack and take care of me. But she didn't enjoy it the way Miranda did. Miranda was really good at taking care of us. She always intended to come back for us, she even took it to court but my mom fought her and end the end the court sided with our mom because Miranda was still in school. By the time she finished college we were grown up enough we really didn't need her to raise us."
"I think Lisa holds it against me. The fact that she had to grow up so quick and take care of me. We used to be really close but then she got really closed off. Our mom is bipolar and I think Lisa might be too." Vanna had never really told anyone but Tig about her home life.

"That's rough." Kozik placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

They sat in silence for a moment before Vanna changed the subject. They talked for about an hour before Kozik checked the time on his phone and suggested they get lunch.
It was a good thing too because Vanna was starving.
They went to little sandwhich shop down the street from the park.

This was just the first of many days the two of them spent together.

After seeing Kozik everyday for about a month Vanna decided to try and ease Tig into the news by writing him a letter.

Hey Tiggy,
I miss you like crazy. Clubhouse parties aren't the same without everyone here. Lisa and I barely speak anymore. I think she's pissed because I met someone. But you just never know with her.
Work is going good. Ope and Gemma are taking good care of me.
Please be safe I miss you.

She was purposely vague she didn't want to make a big deal out of anything and set Tig off or make him worry.

Over the next few months Vanna talked Kozik up to Tig via letters, she dropped hints as to who he was without actually saying anything.
Kozik was also trying to make amends with Tig whenever he went to visit the guys at Stockton.
At the same time Kozik and Vanna were spending every free moment they had together pretty much. They were trying to keep things casual.

But about two months before Tig and the rest of the guys were set to be released everything changed.


"Hey Kozi." Gemma called into the garage.
"Yeah Gem?" He wiped his hands on a rag as he walked into the office of TM.
"Whats up with you and Vanna?" Gemma didn't make small talk. She was a right to the point kind of woman.
"Well..." Kozik wasn't sure how to answer that question. He wasn't actually sure what the label was for his relationship with Vanna. They were both kind of dancing around the whole situation with Tig.

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