Chapter 12

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[authors note: sorry this took forever!!! Like literally but I'm baaack I also can't remember how this was originally gonna go and I lost my outline so I'm winging this]

Even though he knew it was unlikely Kozik had hoped that Jax would veto Vanna's idea. He really fucking hated it.

"It's not real." Vanna promised him. They were laying in bed, her head resting on his broad chest.

"I know but I still hate it, just thinking about not being with you is killing me babe." He told her, kissing the top of her head.

"I know. How do you think I feel I have to say horrible things about you to that stupid twat I have for a sister." Vanna was starting to worry that she couldn't actually do this. She had never been a good liar.

"Tiggy is freakin' loving it though." Kozik groaned.

Vanna rolled her eyes. This was definitely not helping the Kozik v Tig situation.

"It's just for a few days. As soon as the guys find out what she knows and stuff this will be over and things will be back to normal." Vanna promised.


Juice had been able to find Lisa's new phone number. Savanna was both impressed and a little afraid.

She sat in the chapel and made the call with Jax and Tig in the room so they could hear her. She had made Kozik stay out because she didn't want him to hear the things she was about to say about him.

It was weird to make the call with a small audience but she had been practicing for days.

Jax nodded and Vanna took a deep breath and hit the call button. It rang and rang.

"leave a message" Jax whispered as the voicemail picked up.

"Lisa?" Vanna's voice shook.
"Lisa it's me it's Van. Fuck! I - I need you. I need you to answer the phone because you were right. You were right about that stupid spiky haired pig. Please call me back Lis, I need you okay. I quit my job for him and now I have nothing." Vanna's eyes were actually watering a little bit as she clicked the end button.

"Damn. You're good." Jax's praise made Vanna blush. "If she calls you back let one of us know okay?"

"I will."

Vanna said her goodbyes to Kozik and left to go back to Tigs house. They had to make it look legit incase Lisa came or sent someone snooping around. It sucked. Vanna just hoped that her sister would call her back soon.


Most of the club's dealings were on hold until they got everything under control. Jax didn't think that Lisa actually knew anything but he couldn't be 100% and until he was sure the club wasn't being watched or in danger he had to basically cease everything. It was a giant pain in the ass.

Kozik was miserable. His house was empty without Vanna. They texted a lot but that was all the contact they had for three days.

Tig had started out living this arrangement but after day two of Vanna sulking around his house like a lost puppy it was starting to get too him.

"You really love him don't you?"
"I do Tig, I really do." Her eyes said it all. She was absolutely enamored with Herman Kozik.
"He loves me too you know. I mean I know you don't like him Tiggy but, he took care of me while you were inside. When Lisa kicked me out he didn't hesitate he came and got me and all my stuff and moved me into his apartment. He made sure I got to and from work, kept an eye on me at the parties."

"But he also wrecked a bike with you on the back of it." Tig pointed out.

"It started raining on our way home, he couldn't help it. He wasn't doing anything stupid and he took really good care of me after the accident. He felt terrible."

Tig sighed. He couldn't argue anymore - anyone with eyes and a brain could tell that Kozik and Vanna were crazy about each other. He still didn't like it but he was going to have to live with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2018 ⏰

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