Chapter 23

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*Ashtons POV*

Today was the day. Today I would propose on Lizzy.

"Hey babe, can you come here for a while?" I hear Lizzy calling me from the kitchen. When I enter the kitchen I hold my laugh. Brandon is looking very mad at his bottle, I guess he's not hungry. I take the bottle from Lizzy and place it on the table.

"What do you think, I'll call my mom or Lauren that they take care of Brandon today and that we go on a date. We haven't been anywhere special lately and you deserve a nice day you just can relax for a while.

Lizzy's face lit up and she hugged me softly, not wanting to crush Brandon in between us. Oh this just made me so happy, her beautiful face when she was happy.

I take my phone and call my mom. After a couple seconds she picks up.

"Hello, this is Anne"

"Hi mom, Ashton here"

"Oh hi sweetie, what can I do for you?"

"Uhm, I wanna take Lizzy today on adate... Can you maybe babysit Brandon today?"

"Oh dear, of course, I'd love to! I don't want to ruin this day for you either, I'll be there as soon as possible!"

"Thanks mom, bye!"


I have planned the whole day. First we go to the Starbucks and buy some coffee. After that we have a nice walk on the beach. I Called Michael and Luke to set up a little picnic on the beach with a bouquet red roses and Lizzy's favorite food. When we are done eating I will propose on her.

It sounds so cheesy but I'm sure she would love it.

"You ready to go?"

Lizzy nods and I see the excitement in her eyes. 

We walk to the car and I hold the door open for her. Lizzy giggles and steps in the car. I get in the drivers seat and start driving. I turn the radio on and our own album starts playing. I smile and drive to the Starbucks.

Maybe it sounds weird, but I really like to listen to our own music. It makes me proud that the boys and me have come so far and I like the idea I am listening to the same music as our fans. Lizzy is singing along with Good Girlsl and I join her. She still keeps blushing everytime I sing. That's why I like to sing when she's with me. 

We arrive at starbucks and we walk inside. We walk towards the counter and a worker walks our way.

"Hello and welcome at Starbucks. What will it be?" She asks polite

I look at her name tag and see her name is Emilee. 

"Hello Emilee, two Frappuccino's please." 

Emilee nods and starts with our order.

"I swear to god, I know that girl" Lizzy says

"Oh that's cool! Where do you know her from?" I ask

"I don't know... I just know her I think" 

Emilee comes back with our order. "Here you are, that would be $ 10,50 please." 

I give her 20 dollar and tell her she can keep the change. I am just so happy today, other people can have some happiness too.

"Erhm, Do I know you?" Lizzy asks shy

"Well, I don't really know. I recognize you but I'm not sure where I've seen you before" Emilee smiles "But, Ashton, I recognize you, ofcourse." she blushes

I give her a warm smile. I love meeting fans who stay calm and let me live my life. 

"Ooooh I know where I know you from! You were at the same concert as me!" Lizzy says excited

"Oh yeah that's it! You were the girl Ashton took on stage that evening." Emilee said

The girls keep talking a bit and I drink my drink. I am deep in my thoughts 'till I hear Lizzy say "Well Emilee, you have my number, we should keep in touch it was so nice meeting you again"  They hug each other goodbye and we step in the car again.

When I drive to the beach I get pretty nervous. I will be propose on her soon. Luckily Lizzy doesn't notice because I don't want to ruin this.


We walk hand in hand on the beach and I see the picnic setup in the distance. Lizzy sees it too and she squeezes my hand a little and kisses my cheek. We walk 'till we are at the picnic. Michael and Luke did a great job. There were some candles and the bouquet roses was there too. There was a basket with a lot of delicious food and it just looks perfect.

Lizzy sits down and I sit next to her. I am so happy the weather is good too. There is a little sun, it's not cold and there's  almost no wind. Just perfect.

I get the lighter and light the candles. Then I fill a plate with food for lizzy and give it to her. She smiles and starts eating "Oh wow this is delicious, who made this?" she asks

"Believe it or not, Michael and Luke can cook really well when they do their best" I say with a chuckle.

After a good 40 minutes almost all the food is gone and Lizzy stares at the sea while holding my hand. I stare at her and just see she is so happy. I decide this is a good moment. I clear my throat and Lizzy looks at me. I take her hand so we both stand up.  

She looks curious and I take both her hands. I stand in front of her and get on one knee. Lizzy's jaw drops and she puts her hand in front of her mouth.

"Sweet sweet Lizzy. I am so blessed that I got to know you. I am so blessed that you gave me the chance to be your boyfriend. I am blessed with our beautiful son. The only thing I still want from you is to be my wife. Dear Lizzy, would you marry me?" I ask while I take the box with the ring and hold it in front of her.

Lizzy looks speechless at me. "Oh my god Ashton! Yes of course I would marry you. I'd love to. Yes Yes Yes!" She said happy and I take the ring and shove it on her finger. I stand up and kiss her passionately. She kisses me back and I feel the luckiest man alive. 

We stay at the beach for a bit and decide to go home. We pack the rest of the picnic stuff and drive home. The only thing I think of is

I am engaged with the love of my life.

Yaay they are engaged! New characher, Emilee, who will come back later. I loved writing this:)

QOTC: How old are you all?

AOTC: I'm 15 but in 9 days I will turn 16 yayy

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