Chaos 6

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Wtf?! Is she fucking crazy?!

(Y/n) POV
(Before you went rolling)

I rushed across the small street and stayed on the right side, going west home. I knew they were most likely rushing to get their food and come after me, so I kept a quick pace. Well, I might as well text the others the picture I took of Ben and Jeff.

I opened my phone and started typing.

(Parts of the chat)
(Author: I don't feel like typing or copying that whole thing again)


When and how did you
get that picture
of us???


"Bruh. 'When and how'???"

I typed my response and got support from my awesome girl friends.
(Not Girlfriends. Girl. Friends.)


I'm going to kill
you (Y/n)


"Excuse me -_-. Turd."


That was kind of a dick move Jeff


"Exactly, faqin' jerk."


Hehe 😏


"Wait wut??? Hold on... Oh shoot. Well time to roll down this hill."


I'mma yeet myself down a hill



I put my phone in my pocket as I reached the top of the hill. I could hear loud footsteps coming from about 20 to 30 feet from behind me. I looked over my left shoulder and saw Jeff and Ben running up the hill, causing me to inner panik.

I faced forward again and speed walked faster till I got to where I was going to roll. I laid down on my back and started rolling down the hill.

I could feel rocks and small bottle caps rolling underneath me as my speed increased. I finally reached the bottom and my rolling stopped. I stood up with no problems and looked back up the hill to see the boys staring at me with the look of "What the actual fuck was that?". I waved and skittered away as fast as possible, leaving them even more confused.

I kept skittering until I heard their footsteps again, so I decided to go faster. By Naruto running up another hill. I finally reached one of the streets that go into my neighborhood, turning onto it and slowing down so I wouldn't trip on one of the rocks or other debris in the road.

Finally, almost home. Just a few more minutes and I'll be able to eat my snacks and my drink in my room while causing more chaos. I could still hear the boys tired panting and loud footsteps on the rough, gravel road. I'm still wearing my mask and jacket but somehow I'm barely breaking a sweat.

"You guys can stop following me now!", I yelled to them, still facing forward.

Jeff yelled in response, "Why should we?".

"Cause I'd like to eat my food in peace WITHOUT being followed."

"Aw come on! We're bored and we're not going back to the mansion with a sugar happy Toby there.", Ben whined out.

I could heard Jeff mutter quietly,"Fucking bitch...".

I quickly turned around and yelled back, "YOU'RE TALKING MAD SHIT FOR SOMEONE WHO'S IN YEETING DISTANCE!"

They both stayed quiet and looked like the "😐" emoji. I turned on my heels and kept walking home.

"See ya guys later.", was all I said to them as I walked around the corner of the rocky streets.

I walked into my home and smiled at my achievement. I walked back into my room, or as my parents called it, my cave. I flopped onto my bed and let out a sigh of relief. I felt my phone vibrate and guessed it was most likely the pastas and I was correct. I unlocked my phone and saw it was a private message from Jeff.


Sorry bout calling
you a bitch
Thanks for paying our
off our ice cream

It's no problem :)
I'm going to start
some more chaos later
but for now
I chill



I couldn't help but smile as I read his text, seeing a kinder side to the wild, psychopathic killer.

{Time skip}

It was around 7 o'clock, meaning to chat with my killer friends. But I quickly got distracted by the sound of an owl outside.

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