Chaos 11

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(Chapter for BBY_RAZOR_BEST)

I went back to the group chat, full of excitement.

Is anyone free

Me and Jane got
nothing to do
LJ is here too
What's up?

I'm free
So is X-Virus


Why are you asking?

Me and Dark are


Okay so my parents
are out of town
tonight and I
was wanting to
see if guys and
gals wanted to come
over for a visit
This is a rare occasion

Count me in!

Me and Toby also

Is everyone here going?


We're going too


We'll be there in a few minutes


YES! They're coming over! This is either one of the happiest days of my life or something I'll really regret. Maybe even both.

I quickly picked up a bit and prepared for the party. Ben told me earlier today he disabled the back camera so they'll be able to go through the back.

I heard a knock on the back door meaning the we're most likely there. I opened it to see Toby, X-Virus, Jane, and the others. LJ was slightly crouching due to how tall he was and I had to keep my composer so I wouldn't start wheezing.

"Hey everyone! I'm glad you all came!"

I moved aside to let them in with a smile almost as wide as Jeff's on my face.

Toby was first to speak, "H-hi, (Y/n)! This i-is X-Virus!"

"Hello. You can just call me Cody.", Cody said with a smile.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Cody!", I smiled back and put my hand out for him to shake, which he returned the gesture.

"Huh, I thought you would be a little bit taller.", Jane said as her, Lui, and Clockwork walked in.

"Yeah me too, heh.", retorted Clockwork.

"Yeah I get that a lot.", I said with a light chuckle.

"How can such a small, pathetic looking teen be so  threatening and frightening? Sully! I'm sorry about him. He should watch what he says.", Lui and Sully spoke out, eventually bickering amongst themselves. I looked in their hand to see a bottle of alcohol.

Laughing Jack, Dark Link, and Lost Silver we're the last to walk in. Dark Link was also carrying a bottle of alcohol.

LJ was trying to make it through the door but ended up hitting his head on the door frame. I couldn't help but snicker and so did some the other pastas.

"Heh, jeez you're really tall. Maybe we should all hang out in the backyard or on the side of the hill."

"Yeah...", LJ muttered out.

Toby yelled out, "T-to the y-yard!"

We all rushed to the backyard. I slowed down a bit to chat a little with Lui.

"Hey Lui."

"Oh hey (Y/n). What's up?"

"Eh, nothing much. How about you?"

"Just enjoying the party. It was really nice of you to invite us. I'm curious, how are you able to trust us so easily?"

"Well... If I'm being honest, I kinda get a feeling from certain people. Like you guys, you may be a bunch of killers, but I feel like I can trust you more than I can my family. And the sad truth is that strangers can understand you more than your friends or loved ones..."

"Huh... Well do you understand us?"

"Yeah, quite easily. Maybe even easier than normal humans."

"Neat. You seem really nice, especially to a bunch of psychopaths.", Lui gave a soft smile with a barely noticeable dust of pink on his cheeks.

"POOL!", we suddenly heard Toby yell. He threw all his important items next to a chair by the pool and climbed the ladder.


He turned around and did a backflip into the small pool. We all cheered and laughed at the now soaked Toby.

The night went on with all of us enjoying the time we were spending together. LJ, Dark link, Lui, and Clockwork ended up getting majorly drunk, so I went and got some water to help them sober up. When I came back, Dark link was in a tree, Lui was lying in the dirt, and Clockwork laying back in a chair... upside down.

Laughing Jack was no where to be seen. I suddenly felt a pair of arms wrapped around my upper torso. I automatically knew it was LJ due to the black and white sleeves with black claws. He grabbed my chest and squeezed slightly, making my face flush.

"Hehe, squishyyyy~", Laughing Jack slurred out, still drunk.

"GETHIMOFF! GETHIMOFF! GETHIMOFF! GETHIMOFF! GETHIMOFF! GETHIMOFF! GETHIMOFF!!", is all I could yell hoping someone who was sober would get the drunken clown.

Luckily, Jane and Toby grabbed him while Cody grabbed me trying to pull us apart. Lost Silver floated up to me when I was finally released from the monochrome IT. Him and Cody checked me to make sure I wasn't hurt or scratched as the others scolded LJ.

"A-are you o-o-ok, (Y-y/n)?", Silver stuttered out.

"Y-yeah... That was weird. Is he always like that when he's drunk?"

"S-s-sometimes...", he said softly.

Cody let out a sigh of relief after checking me for cuts or bruises.

"Thankfully, she didn't get hurt. Usually his claws are so sharp they easily cut through the skin. Looks like he finally trimmed them a bit. You sure you're okay, (Y/n)?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. That was just a strange encounter. Thank you both for caring about me.", I said with a kind smile and soft eyes.

Both their faces became tinted with pink, smiling back at me.

"I-it's no p-p-problem, (Y/n)."

"Y-yeah, we're just glad you're not hurt."

Jane approached us, sighing softly.

"We should probably head back before anyone else starts doing stuff like that..."

"Alright then. Tonight was fun. Thanks again for coming."

"And thank you for inviting us to visit. We'll see you later, (Y/n)."

"Bye everyone!"

As they all left, I cleaned up the backyard and disposed of the evidence. When I finally finished, I went back inside, got in my pajamas and laid back in bed, soon drifting off to sleep.


This is my longest chapter yet, with 1,072 words.

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