Chaos 10

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I'm glad I decided to come here.

(Y/n) POV

I'm happy that Jeff, Toby, and Ben came by to visit. My parents left earlier they day to go do something and they said they would be gone for the whole day. The boys were bored and I was happy to keep them company. But it was nearly the end of the day and they were getting ready to leave.

"Thank you guys for coming over to visit me. If you're ever bored again, be sure to text me first so I can tell you whether or not you're safe to come over."


J:"Sure thing."


"Oh you guys want to take a picture together before you go?"

They all agreed and I pulled my phone out of my pocket. They got behind me and all did their poses. Toby was dabbing, Jeff was giving thumbs up, and Ben, I had no clue what he was doing.

I opened my group chat and sent the photo.

"Thank you!", I said with a bright smile.

They all smiled back. We said our good byes and they went on their way back to the mansion.

I looked at the group chat to see the responses.


We vibed together
for the day

Crackheadhooman🥴:We vibed togetherfor the day

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So that's where
Toby was

Yeah he wasn't
following Masky
around like usual

We all hung out
today and it was
super fun!
To bad you guys weren't there


When you get back I'm smacking you


I got a message from my Mom. I opened it to see what she needed.


Hey (Y/n)
We traveled further
then we expected
We're going to stay
in a hotel room
for the night and
we should be home
Don't wreck the house

Good night Mom
I'll see you tomorrow

Good night


I stared down at my phone, rereading the message. Not only are my parents gone for the night, but so is my little brother who's staying the night at his friends.


Art made by me

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