Chaos 20

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When she realized that he was long gone, she turned to me, eyes full of rage.


"Eh?! Why did you trip me?! I was trying to get to my Jeffy!", Nina yelled at me while getting off the ground.

"Well it seems like he doesn't want you to come close to him. If anything he's afraid of you more than the human fangirls. If you want him to actually like you, I suggest giving him some space and respecting his personal boundaries. And he doesn't like being called 'Jeffy' if you can't tell.", I stated calmly, not phased by her whining.

"WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!", the crazed girl screamed in my face.

"Nina, I wouldn't-", Lui started before I cut him off.

"The name's (Y/n). I'm a friend of some of the Pastas. And one thing you should know about me is that I defend my friends with my life."

"Hehehe... With your life? We'll test that...!"


It was too late. She swung her knife at me, but I dodged and caught her wrist. I gave a dark smirk, that's when she noticed that she was the one in trouble.

I grabbed her arm with my other hand and threw her to the ground with ease

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I grabbed her arm with my other hand and threw her to the ground with ease. She growled, quickly getting up to strike again. She kept attempting to attack me and I continued to evade her attacks. I used my leg to catch the back of her ankle and pull her leg out from under her. Her knife ended up slipping out of her hands, to which I grabbed it for defense. She stayed on the ground for a second before getting up, shaking slightly from exhaustion.

"That's enough...Nina stop...", a loud voice boomed. Oh shoot.

I turned to where the voice came from to see Slender standing in the door frame. He 'stared' at me for a quick second then to Nina.

"What's going on here?"

I shrugged, not knowing exactly either. Jeff slid out from under the couch and walked over to us. He stood next to me so the crazy fangirl wouldn't chase after him again...or maybe just to be by my side.

"Hmm... Well, Masky tells me you all want to have a party, right?"

"Yes sir! If it's okay with you.", I stated.

"...Alright then. As long as you clean up after yourselves."

"Thank you so much sir!"

"FUCK YEAH!", Jeff yelled right in my ear.

Nina gave a huff and turned around to leave, but I stopped her.

"Hey Nina! You fought pretty well! If you'd like, you can stay for the party."


N:"Really?...Thanks, I guess..."

"No problem! Just remember what I said earlier, okay?"


T:"Y-you guys ready to s-start the party?!"



Ben ran off to his room to get some speakers while Jeff, Toby, and LJ got the other Creepypastas. Me, Clockwork, Helen, and Jane got bowls of food and some drinks ready. The others went to the store to get some alcohol, ice, and more snacks.

We finished getting things ready, so we all started doing our own things. I noticed Helen sitting at the table, sketching in a small notebook. He was smiling at the drawing he was working on, content with what he was making.

"Hey Helen? Is it ok if I see what you're drawing?"

"O-oh, sure! Here.", he stuttered while sliding the little book to me. It was a simple figure in a casual,sitting pose.

"Woah! How are you able to draw so well? I can barely draw, but you're amazing at it!"

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"Woah! How are you able to draw so well? I can barely draw, but you're amazing at it!"

"Really? T-thank you. It took some practice and reading about anatomy to make this kind of stuff.", he shyly stated with blush dusted across his cheeks. We continued to chat for a bit as we waited for the others.

When Ben finally came back, he was carrying a large speaker about his size, stumbling quite a bit. I ran over and grabbed the speaker as he almost fell over. I picked it up and carried it over to where he was going to put it. I sat it down with a grunt and gave the elf link a thumbs up, to which he returned.

The others came back carrying the items they were sent to retrieve from the store. More Creepypastas began to fill the room, some talking to one another and others staring off into space. I was able to recognize some of them by just glancing at them, while others I had to think about. We were ready to get this party started, with Slender watching to make sure nothing went wrong.

Time to start the Chaos!


I'm not dead (ノ*°▽°)ノ

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