Chaos 26

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Lui/Sully x reader
(Chaos for ReaderListenerChan)
(Don't question where I got this photo..)
Warning! This chapter is going to contain a bit of angst
Dunno, just felt like it
Back to the story!

Lui/Sully POV

I was lying down on my bed, trying to relax for once, but obviously we can't do that with everyone else being fucking annoying and loud as usual. I try to block out the noise, but no matter what I do, I can still hear them.

Tired of trying, I sit up with an annoyed groan from Sully and put my back to the wall. I have no idea what the hell we should do, seeing as we can't fucking chill out for a while. I glance over at my phone, immediately thinking about (Y/n). I wonder what she's doing.

I hesitantly grab my phone and open it to the group chat. She's hasn't said anything yet, which is really odd. She would've said something weird yet amusing by now... I go to her contact and open it to message her. Maybe I can hang out with her, she is really nice to be around. Something about her is always calming, perhaps her voice or the way she speaks...

I hesitantly put my phone back down and get out of bed, deciding to go over to her house and surprise her. If we go alone without telling her, she won't be able to invite the others so it'll just be us! Yeah, we can finally have some alone time with her and get to know her better! Wait, why are we thinking like this? Eh, whatever...

I leave my room and go down stairs towards the front door until Jane came up to me.

J:"Heya Lui, Sully. Where are you going?"

L:"Oh uhmmm... We're... going out to kill... Yeah..."

J:"Oh okay...? Well, I'll see you later."

L:"Bye Jane."

We finished our conversation and I left the mansion, making my way to (Y/n)'s house.


We finally made it to her house! We should check the driveway to see if her family's home. Right.

We look around the corner of her house and see that two vehicles were there, one being her car/truck/vehicle and a truck, meaning she might be home alone again. Perfect, I really didn't feel like getting caught...

We rush to one of her windows and peer through. I can see her laying on her bed, lying with her back facing towards me in a fetal position. Wait, she's shaking a little... Is she okay?

I start to worry about her, so I quietly slide her window open without her noticing. I can hear small hiccups and sobs come from her curled up form. Shit what happened to her? What caused her to get this upset? Isn't she usually cheerful and happy? If we find out who or what caused her to be this way, they're going to be in a world of shit!

Questions filled my head as I stared at her small frame whimpering under the blankets she had covered herself with.

"(Y-y/n)...?", I spoke out softly.

Her body tensed more than it already was, freezing at the sound of our voice.

"O-oh... Hey guys... H-how long have been sitting there for...?", she whispered, barely audible.

"That's not important right now... What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"...I-I'm fine..."

"(Y/n), we can tell your not fine... Please, tell me what's wrong... I promise I won't make fun of you o-or judge you for it...", I raised my hand hesitantly before Sully took control and put my hand on her back, gently rubbing her back.

She tensed for a second before relaxing and letting out a shaky sigh. She shifted, tilting her head slightly so she could see me. I could see her eyes a little as she moved to look at me, but the look in her once joyful, (e/c) orbs had been replaced with a sad, darkened hue. I could feel my heart break and my eyes water as I looked at her sad expression.

"You promise...?", she let out with a sigh.

"We promise."

She looked worried and hesitant as she struggled to find the words she was looking for.

"I-... I w-was just going to get a drink a-and my mom came up to m-me with a disappointed l-look on her face...*sniff* T-Then she started yelling at me b-because I had ONE DAMN MISSING ASSIGNMENT! *sniff* A-AND I KEPT TRYING TO EXPLAIN TO HER THAT I DID THE ASSIGNMENT AND THAT THE S-STUPID APP I USE FOR SCHOOL WAS WRONG!... but as usual, s-she never believes me.... I-I'm sorry...I'm rambling..."

"It's okay, (Y/n). We understand. You don't have to apologize for speaking your mind."

"...I f-feel like she h-hates me... I always feel like that... Like everyone hates m-me, no matter what I do or say..."

"It'll be okay, (Y/n). Not everyone hates you! I mean think about it. You managed to pretty much befriend all of us and we're a group of psychopathic killers! And besides, even if the normal people hate you, that doesn't matter. We will all be here for you... I'll always be here for you."

She sat up while I was talking and once I finished my whole talk, she embraced me in a tight hug. I stumbled back slightly but regained my composer and hugged her back. She buried her head into my shoulder as I felt her smile a bit. Did... Did we help her? Is this... What it feels like to... Help someone?

"Thank you, Lui... Thank you, Sully... You really made me feel better. I'm glad you two are here for me.", she mumbled into my shoulder as her grip loosened on me.

"... You're welcome, (Y/n).", Sully and I whispered as we buried our face in her hair, taking in the sweet scent of her hair wash.

We both sat there holding onto one other for what felt like hours, taking in the warmth that radiated from our bodies. I was about to speak when we suddenly heard a car pulling into the driveway. Shit! Her parents are back!

Her eyes widened as she told me to quickly escape from her window. I did as I was told, but before I could run away, I felt a gentle yet restraining grip on my wrist. I turned back around to see her leaning out the window, still holding onto my wrist.

"Thank you, guys. Make it home safe... and I'll never forget the things you told me.", she spoke out softly before letting go of my wrist and directing my to hurry before we get caught.

I ran as far away as I could so her family wouldn't see me, but even after I stopped to breathe, my heart was still pounding. Her words kept repeating themselves in our head. 'I'll never forget the things you told me.' My face heated up as I recalled what she said.

What is this feeling? Is this... love?


I am so sorry that I've been gone for so long
(◞ ‸ ◟ㆀ)
I've been so busy that I haven't been able to write
I hope you enjoyed this chapter though!
Have a great day/night, you lovely readers! (≧∇≦)/

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