Chaos 21

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Time to start the Chaos!

Music began to play from the large speakers, vibrating slightly from the bass. Hoodie walked by the largest one and as it made a quick, but loud bass boost, he tripped. Ben started laughing at him from the way he fell, but was quickly made quiet as Hoodie pulled his gun out of his pocket and pointed it him. Ben was quick to plead for mercy and Hoodie soon put his gun up and went back to what he was doing.

"You okay, Hoods? I saw what happened."

H:"Y-yeah, I'll be fine! I'm going to go get some snacks and something to drink, y-you want anything?"

"Nah I'm good! Thank you for asking though."

He continued on his way and I went over to the couch, sitting next to EJ. He was eating a kidney, the sweet, metallic smell of blood filling my nostrils. I decided to chat with him for a minute as he feasted on the small organ.

"How does your kidney taste? Smells sweet."

EJ:"It's great. And it is kind of sweet, in a way."

"To be honest, I think it's pretty cool how your able to survive on mostly eating organs!"


"Jack, are you eating on my couch?!"

EJ:"Uh... No?"

I couldn't help but snicker as the tall, faceless creature started scolding the eyeless cannibal. I got up as they continued to bicker and went to the kitchen.

There were a few people in there, including Masky and Hoodie, who were both eating separate slices of cheesecake. I flashed them a quick smile and waved to them, they both smiled back and gave a slight wave.

The next song started to play and I heard Jeff yelling, "I screwed up!" from the living room along with someone laughing at him. I decided to leave the kitchen due to how many people were in there and went back into the living room. As I left, I passed by Zero and Kate, who were talking to each other and laughing a bit.

Z:"Let's just behave... Said no one ever."

"Heheh you get it! Sounds like you know how to party well!"

K:"Hm? Who are you?! There shouldn't be any humans here!"

She got in a defensive state and I put my hands up to show they I wasn't a threat. Masky seemed to notice Kate's aggression so he blurted out before she attacked me.

M:"Woah! It's okay Kate! She's a friend. She also suggested the party."

"Thank you, Masky."

M:"No problem."

K:"Oh. Sorry bout that! Name's Kate and this is Zero."


"Hi! I'm (Y/n). It's nice to meet you two. You seem pretty fun to hang out with!"

K:"...Yeah, I guess we can be!"

"Okay, I'mma go cause some chaos now, see ya later!"

Z:"Bye, (Y/n)!"

K:"...She seems cool."

I walked into the living room to see Dark Link arguing with Kagekao and Hobo Heart on the stairs case. Kagekao seemed to be laughing at the dark elf while Hobo Heart was just standing by like '🧍‍♂️'. I climbed the staircase quietly and was standing next to Kagekao when Dark yelled out something that caused us to snicker.

DL:"I am not a little pervert!"


"Heheh yeeeaah. Sure, let's go with that."

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