Chaos 19

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(Y/N) NO


(Y/n) POV

As I lept backwards from Ben's window, I could hear him screaming in fear. Either from me jumping 3 stories off a building or from the other Creepypastas trying to kill him for calling me cutie.

I was about 6 feet from the ground before something wrapped around my leg and kept me from hitting the bushes below me. I look up at my leg to see a golden string wrapped around my leg, starting at my knee and going down to my ankle.

I look to where the string came from to see the one and only Puppeteer.

"Hello, Puppeteer!...How are you?"

"Uh...good, I guess? You really are weird. And small...I'm still wondering how you're not dead yet..."

"Yeah, I get that a lot. And I have absolutely no clue how I'm still alive, despite the things I've done...and ate..."

He carefully sat me down with an odd look on his face and I thanked him for saving me. Smile ran up to me and tackled me onto the grass, barking happily. I gave him lots of pats, telling him he was a good boy for waiting on the ground for me.

"Would you like to come inside? Or are you just gonna keep petting Smile?"

"Hmmm... Okay, I'll come inside. Come on, Smile!", I calmly stated while calling Smile to come with us.

He barked happily in reply while trotting close behind me. We walked to the front door and Puppeteer opened it to reveal some of the others chasing Ben around, some even had a weapon or a squirt bottle full of water.

"Uhhhh...Okay then? Is this normal around here?"

"Pretty much."

"Huh...I like it here!"

"(Y/N) HELP MEEEE!!!", Ben yelled out, running up to me and wrapping his arms around my waist to get away from the others.

I quickly scooted him behind me to make the Pastas stop, which it worked. They came to a screeching halt when they saw that I was about to get ran over by them. Cody tripped, causing a chain reaction of falling killers. It was like watching dominos fall after tipping one over.

It started with Cody, who was in the back of the mob. Then it escalated quickly as he ended up tripping LJ and Lost Silver, somehow. Lui was next in line, since the zebra clown fell right in front of him. Lui did a loud screech as he fell down, alarming Hoodie, causing him to jump and land on Masky as well as making the both of them to tumble to the ground. This led to them bumping into Toby and Jane, who was doing their best to stop, but was pushed over like bowling pins. Dark link was used as a landing cushion for Toby, resulting in a high-pitched scream erupting from the emo Link. The last to fall was Jeff, being toppled by the group of other murderers. They all stopped in front of me, Ben, and Puppeteer about two feet away from us. Ben had gotten his phone out and played the best thing ever, just to top off the scene.

That left me, Ben, Clockwork, EJ, Helen, and Puppeteer dying of laughter. We eventually calmed ourselves down from our laughing fits to help the fallen. I assured the others that is was fine and they didn't need to try to kill the elf, but they still gave him a few death glares.

"H-how did you f-find out w-where we lived?", Toby questioned.

"I don't know. I was just walking and I found this place! At least I know where you guys live now, so we can hang out more."

"HELL YEAH!", Jeff yelled.

"So... What should we do now?", Ben asked.


"Yes!...We should ask Slender first.", Lui and Sully said.

"On it.", Masky retorted, walking to Slender's office to ask if we could have a party.

While we waited, a new person with a purple hoodie, black skirt, thigh highs and a big red bow in her hair noticed us. To be honest, she looked like Jeff...hold on a second...Shit.

She saw Jeff and immediately ran towards him yelling, "Jeffy!"

"SHIT SHIT SHIT NO! GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME YOU CRAZY BITCH!", was all Jeff could yell out before panicking.

She continued to run towards him as he quickly hid behind me. Well more like used me as a human shield. I stepped out of the way and walked towards the girl, staying out of her path, causing him to panic even more than before. As she got closer, I prepared myself for the chance of falling.

I stuck my foot out at the right time, causing me to trip her. She hit the ground with a loud thud and a squeak. I looked back at Jeff and signaled him to hide. He ran over to the couch, sliding underneath it while the yandere was distracted. She got up and looked around for her crush. When she realized that he was long gone, she turned to me, eyes full of rage.


Cliffhanger (◍•ᴗ•◍)
Peace people

Cliffhanger (◍•ᴗ•◍)Peace people

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