Chapters 16-18

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Posted by: xrecexbellax Oct 27 2008, 07:40 PM

Chapter 16

Two weeks after school started and I was going crazy. I haven't talked to Trey in months, and right now I don't even know what's going on with him right now. He doesn't call me, and everytime I try to call him his phone is off, or he doesn't answer. I'm going back home next week to see about everyone. No one knows I'm coming though. I'm gonna make it a complete surprise. The school that I'm going to now is called Kingston High School. And apparently they get a week off after the first two weeks of school. I have no idea why that's just what the principal said when I met him last week. He gave me a full list of all of the dates that we don't go to school, and there are alot of them in just 10 months. But I'm cool with it.

When I woke up I heard laughing from down the hall in Mya's playroom. I got up and opened the door, and saw Shawn playing some game with her. For a kiddie game it must have been fun.

" What are you doing here" I asked

" Oh, your mom asked me to watch her while you slept. Said something about you being lazy"

I rolled my eyes " Whatever. Where did they go this time"

" Umm, I think out to lunch. Doesn't matter to me though."

I sighed and turned to walk away but Mya rubbing her eyes caught my attention " I think someone's sleepy"

She looked up at me and held out her arms. I walked over and picked her up "I'm tired" she said laying her head on my shoulder

I took her to her room, and laid her down in her bed and went out, closing the door behind me. When I walked out Shawn was standing at the door watching me.

" What are you doing"

" Nothing" I shrugged and walked in my room, and he followed me for some reason " Sooo talk to Alex lately"

" That's none of your business and you know that"

" What I can't ask a question"

" That's a personal question, and what me and Alex do is none of your business"

" So what do yall be doing exactly" he asked sitting down

" We hang out. Damn you really are nosey. Alex and I hang out. We don't fuck, we don't kiss. We chill. I have a boyfriend so therefore we do nothing but CHILL" I said slowly and clearly to make sure he understood what I was saying.

" You don't have to say it like that. I mean I am not in the slow classes alright."

" Yeah sure you're not" I laid down on my bed, as my cell phone started going off. Playing Bun-B and Ying Yang Twins, "Get It Girl", I seen Shawn trynna see who it was " Naw nigga don't be lookin over here at my phone." I laughed, flipping it open. It was Alex " Hey you"

" What up ma, I haven't talked to you all day"

" I know, I woke up about 5 minutes ago. You kept me up last night so I been sleeping all morning"

" So does that mean that your not dressed"

" Yeah! I was gonna go take a shower once my sister took her nap"

" Is she sleep"

" Yup, I just put her down"

" Well why don't you go get cute, and then I can drop by and see you. I got something for you"

" That's fine with me."

" How long its gone take"

" Uhh gimmie half an hour and then ill be done"

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