Chapter 25-27

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Posted by: xrecexbellax Oct 27 2008, 07:48 PM

Chapter 25

* Shawn POV*

I sat in the hotel room by myself for 4 hours. I knew Beyonce wasn't going to check up on no hot tub, she was going some place to think. And in a way, I'm kinda glad she left cuz I needed a chance to think myself.

I don't know what it is about her that's got me so high in the heart all of the time. It's like my heart is gold when I'm with her. I'd do anything just for her and only her. Ever since that whole incident with my mother, I had been out with at least 2 girls, but I had never gone as far as I had with Bee today. Its not that I was scared to have sex or anything, I was just scared to fall in love with another girl. I loved my mom so much, and look what she did to me. I didn't want that to happen to me, so I just didn't go that far.

But I remember a time I almost did and backed out at the last minute. She started trippin, talkin about I shouldn't have led her on and all that stuff. I wanted to tell her why I didn't wanna do her, but she wouldn't understand. But Beyonce...she understands me. Like no one else does. Not even my dad knows what goes through my head, just her, and she doesn't even judge me. I really wanted to have a relationship with her, but I knew it was highly impossible

I rolled over in bed as the hotel door swung open. I quickly shut my eyes, so she'd think I was asleep. Moments later I heard water running and then I felt her climb into the bed with me. She was laying on the very edge, grasping onto her pillow. Like she was scared or something. I knew she didn't wanna talk, so I didn't say anything, I just laid there until I fell asleep

* The Next Morning*

When I woke up she was gone. No note no nothing, she was just gone. I took a shower and got dressed and started brushing my hair and teeth. I heard the door swing open, and there she was looking good as ever. She looked around the room and sat down on the bed rubbing her forehead

" Are you alright" I asked turning off the lights in the bathroom

She looked up me " Yeah im fine...wanna come with me today"

I rubbed my hands together " Depends on where we're going"

" Well my dad is out of town until Thursday so I thought we'd go visit a few of my friends"

I shook my head " Nah i'm good"

" What's the matter, afraid of not fitting in"

" Naw thats not it, I just don't wanna meet your boyfriend is all"

" How come"

I shrugged, I didnt wanna tell her that I didn't like him cuz then she'd flip out " I just dont"

" You don't like him do you" What the hell, how did she know that " How could you not like him, you don't know him"

" I just don't wanna, you can go ahead, i'll be here when you get back"

" No I'm not leaving you here by yourself, while I go out and have fun. Tell you what, you and I can spend the weekend together and then on Monday when school lets out, we go and meet a few of my friends" I glanced at her, but I wasn't about to cave in just yet! " And I won't introduce you to Trey. Promise"

I sighed " Fine, i'll do it...but only cuz its you"

She smiled " What's that supposed to mean" she said playfully

" It means how it sounds, and if you don't know by now, then your slow forreal" She shook her head

" So what do you wanna do first"

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