Chapter 14: The Aftermath

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A distant cry is what shook Emma from her slumber. She quickly jolted upright from bed and slunk off in search of the source, her eyes lidded as she blindly fought her way through the dark. As soon as she stepped foot into the hallway she was blinded and nearly body-slammed by a form that approached from within the light.

"Holy shit!" She muttered reflexively and caught herself against the opposite wall.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart!" Emma could make out her wife's features after her eyes had adjusted. "I didn't hear you get out of bed."

"I didn't realize you were in the bathroom!" The blonde chuckled tiredly before moving into the room and toward the crib, aided by the faint glow from the world outside. She could hear footsteps sound behind her and the soft voice of Regina as she whispered, "Do you know what he needs?"

Emma huffed softly as she bent over the smooth, wooden sides to take the crying infant. After lifting him into her arms, his cries turned into soft whimpers and she smiled, gently bouncing the small boy. "Attention?" she asked cheekily.

"Smartass." The brunette quipped and shifted before the blonde to check over the now-quiet baby. "His diaper isn't dirty..." she murmured, half to herself, and ran her thin fingers along his back.

"See? He just wanted his mommies." Emma smirked and pressed a soft kiss to his head, earning a shake of the head and a smile from her counterpart. "Unless he's hungry. Do you think he's hungry? Maybe he's hungry..." The smirk on her face soon vanished as she looked upon the older woman who merely chuckled.

"Let me see him," she said quietly and shifted closer to take their son into her own arms. Emma hovered as she watched them, earning a quirk of the brow from Regina. "What are you doing?"

"... watching?" Emma murmured sheepishly.

Regina grinned, amusement sparkling in her eyes, and shifted toward the rocking chair that sat in the corner of the room. The younger woman followed behind her and perched on the edge of the end table next to it. "Want me to turn the lamp on?" she inquired after a moment and started to reach for the switch on the lamp beside her but stopped when the brunette had shaken her head.

"I don't want to disturb him." She said, though her eyes were trained on Henry who had started to grab at her pajama top.

The blonde nodded slightly and continued to watch, grinning in amusement when the baby had latched onto her silk shirt. "He's hungry!"

"Just like you," Regina mumbled, starting to unbutton her top and pull it aside, humming contently when the infant had found his food source.

"What was that?"

"He has your appetite, Emma." The brunette spoke up, smirking. "You will have some competition, especially when he's older."

"I'm offended!" Emma scoffed. "I don't eat that much."

"Oh, please, I have seen you eat and it isn't pleasant."

"Liar!" The blonde pressed her lips together and leaned back only to bump into the lamp behind her. She quickly sprung up from her spot to stop it from crashing to the floor, her face burning after she set it back onto the table.

"I hope he isn't as clumsy as you." Regina remarked with a humored tone.

"Oh, shush," she muttered and refrained from sitting back onto the end table. She stood, instead, and looked down at her wife and son. "And I wouldn't talk! Every time it's icy out, you fall on your ass."

"Watch your language!"

Emma recoiled and turned a glare on the older woman. "You just used that word not ten minutes ago."

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