Chapter 3: The Conversation

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Regina's chestnut hues were glued to the blonde eighteen-year-old as she turned away from the hug and left out that putrid green door. Her heart sunk when the familiar click sounded, creating the barrier that officially left the brunette alone with Emma's parents. Her stomach knotted at the thought.

She didn't have a thing against the Nolans. They were nice people in and of themselves and normally that wouldn't serve as such a problem for Regina to be stuck behind with the two; alone. But the Nolans doubled as her girlfriend's parents and left her between a rock and a hard place.

The brunette hadn't been looking forward to this conversation. She knew that it was inevitable, of course, once Mary Margaret had found out and David would be left alone without others around. It was just that, that had the teacher shrinking against the table as the couple cleaned up the dishes leftover from lunch.

Regina knew that, logically, her relationship with their daughter was less than satisfactory in many eyes. It was something generally frowned upon, especially since it had roughly started before Emma had even turned of legal age. Of course, that was considering whether Mary Margaret knew when their relationship had initially started. The brunette wouldn't hesitate to stretch the truth, if need be, to keep from getting slapped a second time; or worse.

She sighed, pushing away from the table with clammy palms. She could feel herself tremble with every step; her breath becoming mildly ragged. When had she become so nervous? Regina felt as if she would need the restroom soon enough; her stomach was clenching in its spot as if someone had reached inside and squeezed it.

The brunette could hear mild chatter from the kitchen between David and his wife, the latter murmuring one last thing before departing to join Regina who had migrated towards the living room. Regina's breath hitched, her stomach doing a flip.

She wasn't at all prepared. She needed Emma here with her. Why had she suggested Emma leave her behind? Why had she suggested that she and Mary Margaret discuss this? Why was she such an idiot?

"Regina," Mary Margaret nodded to the brunette, gesturing toward a living chair. "You can sit if you want to."

"Oh, uh... thank you." Regina offered an all too wide smile, taking the offered seat. She subtly wiped her hands on her slacks, a shaky breath falling from her lips.

"We're waiting for David. He will be here in a minute." The short-haired brunette offered Regina a plastic smile. "He's just drying up the dishes."

"Of course," she nodded in response, eyes momentarily floating towards the kitchen.

A few moments later, David had joined them, taking a seat next to his wife on the couch with a sympathetic smile shot Regina's way. "So, what are we talking about?"

"I'm not entirely sure," Regina started, lifting her gaze. "I merely assumed that you wanted to ask me things. I will answer to the best of my abilities."

"The best of your abilities?" Mary Margaret quietly scoffed, her brows furrowing. "You're dating my daughter."

Regina dipped her head, heat creeping up her neck. Gods, did she wish she could flee from this situation. But, she needed to gather her wits, and her scurrying metaphorical balls, and take this head on. She couldn't show that she was nervous. She had to be confident.

Mentally preparing herself, the brunette straightened her back, her mocha eyes falling on the woman who had spoken. "I am. I meant..." she trailed off. She didn't know what she had meant. This was already a fantastic start to this grueling conversation.

"Uh-huh..." The elementary school teacher leaned back against the couch. David appeared tense beside her. "I wanted to know why you decided... you liked my daughter in that way."

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